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  • Feb 13, 2021

    Op change title to Interview With the Steve Jobs of Music

  • Feb 13, 2021

    no it’s not

    Then wtf

  • OP
    Feb 13, 2021
    1 reply
    Bo Ceephus

    Lmao imagine getting this mad over lil b.

    Lighten up buddy, life is difficult

    I’m not mad, I’m calling you out for being an unprovoked ass over the internet lmao there’s a difference. i’m sure life IS very hard for someone carrying around so much hate in their heart, hope you find peace within yourself tho!

  • Feb 13, 2021
    1 reply

    no it’s not

    He put out vinyls and CDs for it

  • OP
    Feb 13, 2021

    He put out vinyls and CDs for it

    that has nothing to do with whether it’s an album or tape p much just up to the artist lol

  • Feb 13, 2021
    2 replies
    Bo Ceephus

    You arent 15 anymore you dont have to pretend to like him.

    Tbh you shouldve watched the whole interview. It was really heartwarming and productive. At one point it was like he lost consciousness during because it was such a cathartic experience. It was like sex. Yes this interview was like s***with lil b. It was short and exciting and the climax was too good to miss. It hits you right in the mouth

    Bro you’re writing self insert fan fiction about a nigga who’s only notable action is sneaking a rapper like a decade ago

    Do better

  • Feb 13, 2021
    1 reply

    I’m not mad, I’m calling you out for being an unprovoked ass over the internet lmao there’s a difference. i’m sure life IS very hard for someone carrying around so much hate in their heart, hope you find peace within yourself tho!

    You're clearly salty as f***ing s***

    Just drift off listening to hoop life man. Its like listening to soundcloud rappers but worse

  • OP
    Feb 13, 2021

    Bro you’re writing self insert fan fiction about a nigga who’s only notable action is sneaking a rapper like a decade ago

    Do better

    absolute weirdo vibes from that guy

  • OP
    Feb 13, 2021
    1 reply
    Bo Ceephus

    You're clearly salty as f***ing s***

    Just drift off listening to hoop life man. Its like listening to soundcloud rappers but worse

    man you obviously keep trying to be funny but you’re coming off as a self hating weirdo, i sincerely hope you gain some self awareness some day cuz you def don’t have it now

  • Feb 13, 2021

    Bro you’re writing self insert fan fiction about a nigga who’s only notable action is sneaking a rapper like a decade ago

    Do better

    Bro he knocked him tf out it was amazing. Lil b stood up and got deflated instantly. I gotta say top 5 moment in hip hop history.

    Probably the best right hook on a rapper since charles Hamilton got the chaos emerald smacked outta him

  • Feb 13, 2021

    man you obviously keep trying to be funny but you’re coming off as a self hating weirdo, i sincerely hope you gain some self awareness some day cuz you def don’t have it now

    Im not even being funny. Listening to lil b is exactly like listening to soundcloud rappers, except they mix their s*** better than the based god.

    There is no self hatred here man you're literally projecting

    I dont know anyone who would hate themselves more than lil b fans. It's like listening to daylyt unironically. Its like washing your clothes in the river. Its like choosing to s*** yourself in public. Yeah theres better options and youre kind of a d***head for doing it but you chose this life. I respect it.

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