This guy was primed to takeover as the next guy then he took forever after My Turn and now he's just lost it it's kinda crazy. Like an athlete that isn't the same after an ACL injury or something
Starting to think his nails aren't painted and it's the lighting/filter.
Lmaoo it’s a symptom of everyone just doing anything
Why are pastors wearing Yeezys Off White and Supreme lmao
everybody wanna be cool and fit in
back then you had to actually try to find the right outlets to find a plug or new information on whats hot
internet made everything too accessible, which is why the culture is so watered down and lame
nowadays everybody think they're an expert when they really don't know s***
like kendrick said... there's alot of goofys with a check
Lmaoo it’s a symptom of everyone just doing anything
Why are pastors wearing Yeezys Off White and Supreme lmao
Doesn’t sound great but I kinda hate when they do this on twitter where they all pile on the artist over some short snippet
Like damn at least find an actual full song to hate on
Nah I remember when you niggas HYPED this nigga up.
He was the next coming for you niggas. “No more Drake era this the Lil Baby Era” head ass niggas
This ain’t even that bad (just strong mid but not completely trash) it’s just obviously not rooted in the intention of innovation or switching his sound up so niggas gonna kill it lol
I feel for rappers bc they kinda gotta build a sound because you see what happens when you don’t do that with someone like Uzi. Yeat Lucki Carti etc benefit from staying in their own lane beat selection wise but niggas mad at Baby lol
At the same time he needs Quay Global
yeat is abt to have the same sht as lil baby cus that dude not switching it up enough and when he does it's kinda ass
carti and lucki got their own wave but they do different sht w each era
song not even that bad tbh
wtf type beats u want lil baby on anyway lol
350 was pretty cool
I'd just call him a rap radio artist now. Music you hear on the Playlists in public or when you forget your phone at home.
everybody wanna be cool and fit in
back then you had to actually try to find the right outlets to find a plug or new information on whats hot
internet made everything too accessible, which is why the culture is so watered down and lame
nowadays everybody think they're an expert when they really don't know s***
like kendrick said... there's alot of goofys with a check
perfectly said and tbh this a crazy problem because you can’t really undo it lol. It’s the root cause of so many reasons why “the culture” feels different
everybody wanna be cool and fit in
back then you had to actually try to find the right outlets to find a plug or new information on whats hot
internet made everything too accessible, which is why the culture is so watered down and lame
nowadays everybody think they're an expert when they really don't know s***
like kendrick said... there's alot of goofys with a check
i cried about this on here before but
it makes me so sick i was stanning punk rap, punk rock whatever whole nine yards when i was in HS, i’d get called white, off black whatever else blah blah
this nigga Carti pops out on the goth/punk s*** and now everyone is goth
now when i dress in an all black moody get up i get called opium
like niggas don’t even got their own style/taste no more like you said
everyone is biting off of everybody and if you say something about it “you’re putting people in a box”
yeat is abt to have the same sht as lil baby cus that dude not switching it up enough and when he does it's kinda ass
carti and lucki got their own wave but they do different sht w each era
Carti absolutely. Never thought I’d say this but he in his own little way is doing the Ye s*** where each album is different (relative to him lol)
Lucki I fw hard but it’s harder to see how niggas don’t get tired of his beat style lol. Now he seeming to mix in a little more of the Ray/Veeze type s*** I guess. Wonder what this next album will sound like
perfectly said and tbh this a crazy problem because you can’t really undo it lol. It’s the root cause of so many reasons why “the culture” feels different
yeah at this point I feel it's too late, the culture has been coopted by corporations for too long and most artists have already sold out and are a slave to trends.
once people who didnt really hold the history of the culture to be sacred became the majority of fans these days everything just goes to the highest bidder at this point, including the direction of the art/music.
it seems like degeneracy is winning over all these days as that's what garners the most attention / clicks. And it's not like the higher ups at these labels care about making black people look ignorant or stupid.
It's all f***ed up in my opinion. I feel like now that trends are so easy to identify and co opt on social media theres no real room for anything organic to grow without corporations ruining it
im just yapping but yeah thats how i feel lol