  • Lil Uzi Horizontal

    It’s Jewish Atlanta. Or Jewlanta if you will.

    That sounds f***ing horrible

  • Mar 7, 2020

    Just watched a lil of it, really not that bad. I think I could invest myself a lot more if it wasn't D***y tho

  • Mar 7, 2020

    Show is funny OP

  • Mar 7, 2020
    4 replies

    The part about his d*** being f***ed up is all true too. Man has two d*** holes and has to cover one when he goes pee

  • Mar 7, 2020
    Zach LaBeam

    The part about his d*** being f***ed up is all true too. Man has two d*** holes and has to cover one when he goes pee

  • Mar 7, 2020
    1 reply
    Zach LaBeam

    The part about his d*** being f***ed up is all true too. Man has two d*** holes and has to cover one when he goes pee

    bro how is that even possible

  • Mar 7, 2020

    S***s in atlanta not philly

  • Mar 7, 2020
    4 replies

    bro how is that even possible

    “I know this is going to sound so absurd,” Dave Burd tells the doctor, “but before I can show you my p****, I do have to explain a few things about it to you. When I was born, I came out of the womb with a tangled urethra. So immediately they had to go in and do all types of surgery to it. As a result, there’s so much scarring down there.” He goes on to explain that he believes during those surgeries, doctors grafted skin from his testicles onto his p****, which means “my d*** is made of balls.”

    There is more. In the third episode, “Hypospadias,” Dave explains he was born with a rare birth defect in which, according to the Mayo Clinic, the urethra is “on the underside of the p**** instead of at the tip.” He underwent more surgeries. One of those surgeries accidentally created a second hole. Burd says that when he urinates, he has to cover the second hole with his finger or he’ll have two streams flowing in two different directions “like a Super Soaker.”

  • Mar 7, 2020

    Couldn’t pay me to watch an episode

  • Mar 7, 2020

    In that same article/interview he also talked about hooping w Kanye 3x a week for a year and playing Ye the Earth video, only for Drake to walk in at that moment

  • Mar 7, 2020
    Zach LaBeam

    “I know this is going to sound so absurd,” Dave Burd tells the doctor, “but before I can show you my p****, I do have to explain a few things about it to you. When I was born, I came out of the womb with a tangled urethra. So immediately they had to go in and do all types of surgery to it. As a result, there’s so much scarring down there.” He goes on to explain that he believes during those surgeries, doctors grafted skin from his testicles onto his p****, which means “my d*** is made of balls.”

    There is more. In the third episode, “Hypospadias,” Dave explains he was born with a rare birth defect in which, according to the Mayo Clinic, the urethra is “on the underside of the p**** instead of at the tip.” He underwent more surgeries. One of those surgeries accidentally created a second hole. Burd says that when he urinates, he has to cover the second hole with his finger or he’ll have two streams flowing in two different directions “like a Super Soaker.”

    Im worried it’s true

  • Mar 7, 2020
    2 replies
    Luciano Schwartz

    Taco really moving up in the world

    tyler literally put all of his friends on nobody talks about this enough

  • Mar 7, 2020

    shows pretty good... twitter is mad about lil d***y getting a show is so funny to me

  • Mar 7, 2020
    4 replies

    I hate hate HATE Lil D***y. He personifies everything wrong with hiphop today imo and if I EVER see him in the streets of Atlanta I’m smacking the s*** outta him, open palm

  • Mar 7, 2020

    As expected

  • Mar 7, 2020
    1 reply

    I hate hate HATE Lil D***y. He personifies everything wrong with hiphop today imo and if I EVER see him in the streets of Atlanta I’m smacking the s*** outta him, open palm

    wow it’s crazy how nobody asked nor cares

  • Mar 7, 2020

    I hate hate HATE Lil D***y. He personifies everything wrong with hiphop today imo and if I EVER see him in the streets of Atlanta I’m smacking the s*** outta him, open palm

  • Mar 8, 2020

    vince gilligan could never

  • Mar 8, 2020

    He's just a sucky creative?

  • Mar 8, 2020

    It's okay. I laughed at some parts other parts made me cringe but I think its intended

  • Mar 8, 2020
    1 reply
    Zach LaBeam

    The part about his d*** being f***ed up is all true too. Man has two d*** holes and has to cover one when he goes pee

    Gonna need a source kn this s***

  • Mar 8, 2020
    1 reply

    tyler literally put all of his friends on nobody talks about this enough

    Didnt half of them abandon him too

  • Mar 8, 2020

    I hate hate HATE Lil D***y. He personifies everything wrong with hiphop today imo and if I EVER see him in the streets of Atlanta I’m smacking the s*** outta him, open palm

  • Mar 8, 2020

    F*** YG.

  • Mar 8, 2020
    2 replies
    Bo Ceephus

    Didnt half of them abandon him too

    i wouldnt say that, only person to do him dirty in public was hodgy