Durk isn’t ass, I’d say he’s getting stale. It feel like a lot of his songs sound the same and have repeat lyrics.
Could say the same for rodwave and he seems to be doing well for himself.
I’ve always been of the opinion that artists can stick to a certain known lane as long as they keep that sound interesting,
your ears are broken if you listen to this and think he's ass
!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c9ZokxMuOngPower bar always fire
not a single reply, btw
id say durk def influenced the street rap scene 100%
lil durk is generic after he blew up
can’t deny he fell off from his underground days and i get it it’s what sells
Agreed @op
10+ years of making music Durk definitely knows how to make a good song hence his sustained success.
He’s dope af I’m just so tired of his beats sounding the same.
That’s why I loved him on a song like laugh now cry later cause he never hops on anything like that