Is anyone gonna link a good Durk song or...?
That new song with Cole f***ing sucks too haha
Nah my boy wrote the hook for that song. It’s about to go top 10. Song is great.
Ok let’s see them then?
You haven't even linked me a good Durk song and you want me to take a picture of calves for you?
To be honest you don't deserve it lil bro
Nah my boy wrote the hook for that song. It’s about to go top 10. Song is great.
The hook is okay, Coles verse is heat...
Everything else...?
Is anyone gonna link a good Durk song or...?
That new song with Cole f***ing sucks too haha
The Voice a classic album
You haven't even linked me a good Durk song and you want me to take a picture of calves for you?
To be honest you don't deserve it lil bro
I’m not the one who posted a trash ass song and brought up lifting
I’m not the one who posted a trash ass song and brought up lifting
No but you WERE the one that said Durk has good songs yet you have yet to post one?
Is anyone gonna link a good Durk song or...?
That new song with Cole f***ing sucks too haha
No but you WERE the one that said Durk has good songs yet you have yet to post one?
You legitimately think the song you posted above is good (it’s not) and you said J Cole had the only good verse on the durk song so I know we’re on 2 completely different wavelengths and there’s no convincing you not worth it for me
I'll agree this is nice
You legitimately think the song you posted above is good (it’s not) and you said J Cole had the only good verse on the durk song so I know we’re on 2 completely different wavelengths and there’s no convincing you not worth it for me
You don't think that Cole verse was good?
Was durk raised by his mom? If so it’s super weird Akademiks refers to his mom as being by raised “by a woman” in his post
You don't think that Cole verse was good?
I certainly don’t think it was anywhere near the best part of the song like you do that’s for sure lmao but is it good? Sure. I edited my post to say ‘the only good verse’ to be clear
The real problem w that song is J Cole and Durk don’t need to be on a song together
I certainly don’t think it was anywhere near the best part of the song like you do that’s for sure lmao but is it good? Sure. I edited my post to say ‘the only good verse’ to be clear
Bro can we be honest and say the song is pretty ass, like cmon, they tried some "I Can" Nas s*** but it wasn't hitting the same lmao
All I know is if you look at durk’s progression in his music catalog, he’s actually grown a lot as far as soundscape and flows
If you think that’s true for gunna idk what to tell you. Dude has the same flow and sound he always had and it got stale after 3 songs for me
Bro can we be honest and say the song is pretty ass, like cmon, they tried some "I Can" Nas s*** but it wasn't hitting the same lmao
Read post above yours here
Read post above yours here
Yeah idk it's kind of weird.. Cole tries to be so positive all the time and yet all Durk does is promote negativity
"All my life they tried to keep me down!"
Like bro you literally murder other black people lol
So what, people should just be not punished for murder? just because crime will always exist?
If the people Thug is implicated in murdering got locked up you'd say the same s*** about them.
I'm more interested in the US adopting new attitudes towards addressing the root causes rather than growing the biggest prison population in human history even farther. It's not working. I won't cheerlead it. I won't pretend it's justice when the vast majority plea out before they even have a trial.
Bro can we be honest and say the song is pretty ass, like cmon, they tried some "I Can" Nas s*** but it wasn't hitting the same lmao
Pretty much my thoughts.
I like the song, just like I USED to like Nas’s I Can song, but it’s going to be ran into the ground as soon as summer ends.
Lil Durk is on his grift which is one thing that probably needs to be discussed better.
Ehh people calling Durk corny but we gotta remember, them dudes live by a different life than we do. Yeah it sound corny, but we on the outside looking in on a certain lifestyle. It’s not meant for us to understand. It sound crazy to us because we don’t live that type of lifestyle. That’s why you see dudes like Durk nem agreeing with that mindset.