Gunna still a better artist than Durk
Fight me
Getting money and f***ing bad b****es? >>>
So the same s*** lil durk raps about
You really think that?
I saw a J Cole x Durk collab coming a mile away, just not on a Nas - I Can tip.
This is the exact thing Durk and Cole would do.
I don’t think that means people wanted it tho lol
I don’t think that means people wanted it tho lol
we was getting it regardless, sooner or later.
what does gunna rap about
Shii same thing every other rapper raps about. Except he actually knows how to melodize and he aint pumpin constant negativity in his s***. Gunna really just motivate you to be fly and get a bag.
Ehh 6ix9ine had hits and a strong following. People didn’t turn on him til he snitched. Even the pedo stuff didn’t turn any heads tbf.
him causing problems with all those rappers before he went in led to such strong reaction
Shii same thing every other rapper raps about. Except he actually knows how to melodize and he aint pumpin constant negativity in his s***. Gunna really just motivate you to be fly and get a bag.
Big facts, durk so mad all the time like chill and get a bag mad ass
Shii same thing every other rapper raps about. Except he actually knows how to melodize and he aint pumpin constant negativity in his s***. Gunna really just motivate you to be fly and get a bag.
Durk doesnt know how to melodize?
The real problem w that song is J Cole and Durk don’t need to be on a song together
I haven’t even listened yet for this reason
we was getting it regardless, sooner or later.
Yeah just like we were always getting a live action dbz movie and most ppl knew not to take it srs or even watch it lol
The durk being on his grift s*** is true tho but I just think critiquing that song is v low hanging fruit
6ix9ine was already hated by the public and the industry before he snitched
him snitching just made it worse for him
69 wasn't hated by the public or industry before he snitched lol just look at the features he had on dummy boy.
69 wasn't hated by the public or industry before he snitched lol just look at the features he had on dummy boy.
see point above
funny how the blame gets shifted. it's the rat's fault that he grew up without a dad, not his dad's fault for being involved in some s*** that got him thrown in jail
Good. Niggas in here going to be doing more mental gymnastics tryna absolve this rat f***
Gunatello punk ass 🐀
see point above
He still wasn't hated for that, other than by a selected few from the streets. People actually were hyping him up cause of that
this is the thanks gunna gets for blessing durk with his only legit hit
lmao buddy can’t understand numbers at all