5 Mo OG Version. Oh My God.
as I saw a lot of you not f***ing with the artwork I made my own version of it
durk is the highlight of every song so far no jeff :eyesemoji:
lol duh. Durk been better than Lil Baby since May 8, 2020
any features?
travis meek mill and rod wave so far
need j. cole feature
doubt it but would be dope
travis meek mill and rod wave so far
I heard the meek and rod wave features. What song is travis on?
I heard the meek and rod wave features. What song is travis on?
hasnt leaked yet but leakers have the song
Durk is the f***ing truth
Durk outshined Baby on this. Not by much but Durk definitely showed up ready while Baby kind of coasted a majority of the way.
Durk outshined Baby on this. Not by much but Durk definitely showed up ready while Baby kind of coasted a majority of the way.
I feel like most of the beats are Durk beats