That post lilgotit did on his ig story is f***ing weirdo behavior. How you look that disconnected from reality to make a post like that
What was the post
Bro if I die and someone makes a post on IG saying “dang can’t believe you gone lil bruh 😎 🥲🥲🥲🫡🙏🙏🙏” beat that niggas ass.
Ain’t nobody posting or sayin s*** about you if you die sorry ass nigga
RIP Keed
Damn, that sucks. Say no to d**** kids - a 24 year old should not suffer from liver/kidney failure.
Insanity. Wow
Damn, that sucks. Say no to d**** kids - a 24 year old should not suffer from liver/kidney failure.
what was he taking
Wassup all these dumbasses coming Into the thread disrespecting mans hasn’t been gone for 24 hours and y’all on bullshit
I have and I never been a f*** boy ass Nigga to try and grieve on the internet with this emoji 🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲 f*** you and him you b**** ass nigga.
yeah Gotit definitely should have taken time to figure out the perfect emoji to please weirdos like you
First Fredo now Lil Keed
Unless there’s another rapper I’m forgetting who died from liver/kidney failure
Bro if I die and someone makes a post on IG saying “dang can’t believe you gone lil bruh 😎 🥲🥲🥲🫡🙏🙏🙏” beat that niggas ass.
Cmon he obviously meant the tear 1 to be a sad one idk why u including Random emojis use your brain fam
Ain’t nobody posting or sayin s*** about you if you die sorry ass nigga
That post lilgotit did on his ig story is f***ing weirdo behavior. How you look that disconnected from reality to make a post like that
How is it weird bro y’all so stupid lmao
sippin belaire all day for keed