  • KILLA CAM 300

    Lol wild how i was playing that song this week tokio hotel

    a classic im afraid

  • Jan 16
    1 reply

    what is monsoon

  • Poolboy Q

    Wouldn’t this cause mudslide/landslides?

    Good point didn't even consider that

    Yeah Cali is cooked

  • HeyFriends

    what is monsoon

    Torrential downpour of rain/heavy storm. Think Noah's Ark.

  • SIGH

    Yeah wait is this just her way of saying she hopes it rains a lot to put the fire out?

    pretty obvious 😭

  • SIGH

    That so weird I was just praying for her to OD last night

    lol the out of pocketness

  • double whammy is crazy

  • Jan 16

    Yeah wait is this just her way of saying she hopes it rains a lot to put the fire out?


  • Jan 16

    Lmao that is horrible wording 😂

  • Jan 16

    Po baby

  • SIGH

    That so weird I was just praying for her to OD last night

  • Praying to Jesus for God

  • Thread title made it sound like she was condom eyesing it

  • SIGH

    That so weird I was just praying for her to OD last night

    Bro you wilding

  • Jan 16

    Heart in the right place and that's all that matters

    Same energy as people saying 'just print more money for the poor' not knowing the effects that would have on the economy

  • Jan 16
    1 reply

    That so weird I was just praying for her to OD last night


  • Stanley Kiest

    Lock thread

  • HurryUpDevil4Angel


  • Jan 16


  • Jan 16

    This is fr the funniest s*** ive seen all week lol. Yeah lets pray for a flood to help combat the wildfires

  • Poolboy Q

    Wouldn’t this cause mudslide/landslides?

    Yeah lol ideally they need frequent days of showers and light rain for a while before heavier rain

  • SIGH

    That so weird I was just praying for her to OD last night

    God actually answers my prayers so you’re f***ed

  • SIGH

    That so weird I was just praying for her to OD last night


    She obviously just dont know what monsoon means / maybe meant the rain would counteract the fires. Obviously she not on some LA should burn s*** lmao

    we all instantly knew this but niggas still gonna use this as something to be negative to her about lol

  • Prosper

    You thought this was gonna be a hit

    Niggas dopamine posting before logically comprehending the thread