The gimmick Continues
genius video is great tbh wish he didnt have to do all that other s*** and just focus on making great music .
genius video is great tbh wish he didnt have to do all that other s*** and just focus on making great music .
He isn’t capable of making great music lol
He isn’t capable of making great music lol
im j saying he should put his energy towards that
Haters in shambles
If we had anymore reason to not f*** with this clown
who would you want on a remix?
i could see frank spitting a verse or harmonizing over those guitars
Mfs itt really riding for this weirdo
Mfs itt really riding for this weirdo
the hype didn’t even last a week cus of other social media news situations 😢 now he needs an inside satans hellhole ultimate version to get that trending energy back
the hype didn’t even last a week cus of other social media news situations 😢 now he needs an inside satans hellhole ultimate version to get that trending energy back
numbers are climbing every day
numbers are climbing every day
numbers are climbing every day
numbers are climbing every day
numbers are climbing every day
Song is timeless fr
numbers are climbing every day
Why @frenchpress not reply
Why @frenchpress not reply
i said hype not plays 😭 play that song how you want, when you want scouser, but the hype from his pushing the satan gimmick already out the news cycle. he'll need to do somethin even more crazier this time! 😲
i said hype not plays 😭 play that song how you want, when you want scouser, but the hype from his pushing the satan gimmick already out the news cycle. he'll need to do somethin even more crazier this time! 😲
the hype did its job.. it created the spark and now that he received maximum exposure the song is connecting with its audience. The song works, it's formulaic with an infectious hook and short enough to drive up streams. Lil Nas has a solidified base at this point to feed the flames and it looks to be picking up steam with GP. We'll see by next week if it stabalizes, but so far it's a positive trajectory.