  • Sep 29, 2021
    2 replies
    fashion killa

    ok but seriously, he kinda does have a point. Gay people are not respected the same as straight people pretty much everywhere, especially in rap. People looove to say "I have no problem w gay ppl I just can't stand when they make their whole personality abt being gay and shove it in my face." Ok but you have zero issue w ur bro joking abt clapping cheeks or listening to music that constantly talks abt f***ing b****es. Makes me wonder, is it actually an issue w sexual s***, or is it an issue w specifically gay sexual s***? lot of ppl itt saying s*** along the lines of "maybe if he wasn't so overtly gay it wouldn't bother ppl", implying he is somehow "too gay". Let me ask you, how can someone be too gay?

    ask yourself this: "Am I really accepting of gay people, or do I just tolerate them being around?"


    I understand homophobia is just backed into black culture. When my friends are homophobic I don't hate them for it or lecture them on it, I understand that some people have a very skewed understanding of the world through no fault of their own. There is a time and place to address it and its not in the middle of a kickback lol. noboby is a bad person or deserving of hate because of a worldview they were born and raised into, but they still deserve to be educated on the issue.

    People respect frank ocean

  • Sep 29, 2021
    rhyming rhino

    XXXTENTACION also uploaded his albums as pop albums and wasnt respected when he was alive bc of it

    lmao only his last one and with songs like the remedy for a broken heart idgaf what its labeled as s*** is a hip hop classic 😤

  • Sep 29, 2021

    Def someones alt lol

    Sosa most definitely lmfao.

  • Sep 29, 2021
    Astronaut Dad

    ive said it before and ill say it again, lnx is just a chaotic good tekashi

  • Sep 29, 2021

    Idk man yeah he kinda has a point that gay ppl arent as respected fs but dude puts a lot of it on himself and i feel like if u ignore that ur being disingenuous

    Like dude is a master troll and props for getting clout but u cant say that he didnt do this to himself (at least in part)

  • Sep 29, 2021

    maybe if he didn't bait people so much he would be more respected respect is earned not given.

    gay people are respected in hip-hop look at diddy

  • Sep 29, 2021
    2 replies

    People respect frank ocean

    And why do you think Frank Ocean is the poster boy for how a gay artist "should" be?

  • Sep 29, 2021

    use cuck as an insult we back in 2015 now?

    Bro is mad weird

  • Sep 29, 2021
    1 reply

    And why do you think Frank Ocean is the poster boy for how a gay artist "should" be?

    Bc he makes great music and doesnt rely on outrage p***

    Don’t expect respect if you willingly turn yourself into a gimmick

  • Sep 29, 2021

    And why do you think Frank Ocean is the poster boy for how a gay artist "should" be?

    Because Frank a real nigga

  • Sep 29, 2021

    Lol yall are soooo close

  • Sep 29, 2021

    He’s said he’s in this for the sake of money when asked about why he kept remixing OTR and regularly resorts to PR stunts and toilet humor to market himself

    What else did he expect

    another plat post ty everyone for this opportunity

  • Sep 29, 2021
    2 replies

    Bc he makes great music and doesnt rely on outrage p***

    Don’t expect respect if you willingly turn yourself into a gimmick

    People were saying him coming out via channel orange was a gimmick to boost album sales what are you talking about

  • Sep 29, 2021

    maybe if he didn't bait people so much he would be more respected respect is earned not given.

    gay people are respected in hip-hop look at diddy


  • Sep 29, 2021

    People were saying him coming out via channel orange was a gimmick to boost album sales what are you talking about

    Was that rly his coming out

  • Sep 29, 2021
    2 replies

    my name blonded and i forget that frank is gay sometimes he's just sayin s***

    people would hate frank more if he talked about overtly gay s***

  • Sep 29, 2021
    1 reply

    Frank made crack rock and fought Chris Brown for his first album. LNX was walking around faking a pregnancy. I f*** with the nigga but the cloth different.

  • Sep 29, 2021
    1 reply

    my name blonded and i forget that frank is gay sometimes he's just sayin s***

    people would hate frank more if he talked about overtly gay s***

    people were making reactions and jokes about his lines on DHL "boy toy suck me like a hoover"

  • Sep 29, 2021

    Frank made crack rock and fought Chris Brown for his first album. LNX was walking around faking a pregnancy. I f*** with the nigga but the cloth different.

    you not wrong

  • Sep 29, 2021

    people were making reactions and jokes about his lines on DHL "boy toy suck me like a hoover"

    that and my guy pretty like a girl are basically the most gay things that an average music fan would see about frank ocean and you can just ignore that s*** basically if you hate gay people

    rest of his music is nebulous in subject matter (and the average music fan isn't going to be deep diving into channel orange before i get hit with that s***)

  • Sep 29, 2021

    how many people even know who tf memo is but love provider? nothing against frank but it's that DL type of gay reference that people feel ok f***ing with

  • Sep 29, 2021
    1 reply

    my name blonded and i forget that frank is gay sometimes he's just sayin s***

    people would hate frank more if he talked about overtly gay s***

    nah frank always got gay bars sprinkled throughout

  • Sep 29, 2021


  • Sep 29, 2021

    Bro need to remember he is a Twitter troll (and I'm talking Nas Maraj) who blew up from a meme song that Billy Ray Cyrus hopped on to get to #1

    He prob going to get nominated for Grammy's and s*** what more does he want when he's making pop albums and not marketing himself to a rap crowd

  • Sep 29, 2021

    got my patna in the front
    been my bf for a month but we been f***ing from the jump
