holy s*** praying for his mental health rn
hoping nothing but the best for him and f*** anyone making jokes in the cutting thread
INB4 Akademiks roasts 😂
Your mom is a hoe.
Your mom is a hoe.
hoping nothing but the best for him and f*** anyone making jokes in the cutting thread
Ya father a hoe and ur mother a dope fiend
holy s*** not tracy :(
hoping nothing but the best for him and f*** anyone making jokes in the cutting thread
i hope tracy's okay. i got a chance to meet him once and he was such a nice, laid back dude. he's always having the worst s*** happen to him.
Was gonna ask who but then google showed me that he was black, sending my love and prayers, wish him a speedy recovery
Was gonna ask who but then google showed me that he was black, sending my love and prayers, wish him a speedy recovery
gold bruh how you not know who tracy is but anyways real
gold bruh how you not know who tracy is but anyways real
Bro I haven’t been keeping up to date with these new niggas, I just don’t care for the new wave, I’m a neo-dust head lol
Bro I haven’t been keeping up to date with these new niggas, I just don’t care for the new wave, I’m a neo-dust head lol