TM88 used his original sample for a part of the beat after ghosting his collab.
He was called out on it and then credited.
Should’ve never gave that fool credit
Yo what’s even crazier is I thought he was already exiled for the XO Tour Life situation lmao who let this clown back in the industry
Hopefully they finally get this lame out the paint long overdue
watch this vid
why he talk like forest gump
Heres what he says
you're a goofy little b****** cheffist like, I don't know what this is, but I'm gonna play it. Just, just to let you, you know, fully understand how much of a goofy you are, you know, and unfortunately, given the nature of my role in the simulation, the programmers are always watching me. So when, when I interact with other characters in the game, they're always pulling up whoever I interact with older.
Like they don't notice you until you come into my, into my, uh, storyline, you know? And once you do come into my store story line, they start checking out like your tendencies, and you know, the way you've been living in your life, what do you think this type of s*** is doing for you? What do you think this is doing for you?
What do you think they're doing right now when they're running your files and they see the intent of what you just did with this submission, you are a hoe.
He’s the white racist jock in high school who thinks he drops truth bombs when he cites crime statistics from the inner cities.
Man typed that, read it, and thought he had one b
that be the funny part about life in general
like, my man, you good?
you really thought
nigga just blackballed himself just like that lmao
And for what?
Why he airing somebody else business on live? this s*** is so corny
Did he think that tweet was gonna change peoples minds? Now he has to get a real job !!
He looks like a butch Kramer from Seinfeld
Yeah f*** him lmao
+TM88 was more involved with XOTOURLIFE, this p**** ass hoe only made the sample.
add these to op @op
lmao 'i can't tell you what it's like to be white, i don't know the greatest country songs'