shot by Sandy Kim, same woman who shot the B6 cover
I know they’re friends but I wonder what thug thinks of him so blatantly biting
this is homage not biting
biting is when you pretend it had nothing to do with the other person
Does he know that Thug wasn't actually naked on the OG one?
He had jeans on, they were just heavily blurred
other pictures from photoshoot got posted later, and Thug really was naked lol
i think they photoshopped boxers onto him for the cover then blurred it so people wouldn’t be able to just raise the brightness to see him naked
this is homage not biting
biting is when you pretend it had nothing to do with the other person
you’re right shouldn’t of said he’s biting it’s just strange to me he wouldn’t want to make it his own thing
I know they’re friends but I wonder what thug thinks of him so blatantly biting
He said he calls Thug on jail phone every day and got the blessing
idk how i feel about a direct interpretation i feel like he should have posed like the alternate covers
idk how i feel about a direct interpretation i feel like he should have posed like the alternate covers
something like this would’ve been cooler the current version just looks like walmart batter 6
something like this would’ve been cooler the current version just looks like walmart batter 6
that’s what i’m saying like he’s walking into an irreversible meme if it’s forgettable (hope not)
I know they’re friends but I wonder what thug thinks of him so blatantly biting
Thug mentored uzi, he loves him
idk how i feel about a direct interpretation i feel like he should have posed like the alternate covers
facts! that would of been harder
Uzi always switches his covers though, hopefully this is just the promo album cover to get people talking
Thug mentored uzi, he loves him
BTW This better be the intro to Barter 16