mf must be stopping every minute in the side on the road to do this s***
that's sick
It’s tails
@Vibe you first
So ur driving, hosting a vz, and doing coin flips at the same time?
lock op
It’s tails
@Vibe you first
Dont read thus until you stop but dont be on ktt until you stop whats wrong with u
Man risking his life for a ktt post
real s***
Yall niggas be some pussies
So ur driving, hosting a vz, and doing coin flips at the same time?
He talented forreal
Get him in F1
Man risking his life for a ktt post
I feel gross being here bc I feel like i’m enabling reckless behavior
@Trouble @davey where yall at
They with me
But we can wait till you are done driving @OP lol
I just got done don’t worry!
ktt’ing and driving is insane
Ngl I’ve done it many times in the planner thread
real s***
Yall niggas be some pussies
s*** foul only if he wasnt risking others life too
I just got done don’t worry!
Sped through a red light while he wrote this post
real s***
Yall niggas be some pussies
Who was that KTT poster who replied to dude who said his brother died not wearing a seatbelt and said “rip to your brother but i’m different”
I dead feel like it mighta been op