shambles when you download something and hear this when u play it lmfao
my s*** stopped working out of nowhere bro im so salty struggling to get it fixed
Limewire was so f***ing goat
When you tried to download a game and got the Paris Hilton s***tape instead
my s*** stopped working out of nowhere bro im so salty struggling to get it fixed
Limewire was so f***ing goat
When you tried to download a game and got the Paris Hilton s***tape instead
Or beheading video
I hope someone posts some Limewire classics ITT tbh
Browsers back then because of all the viruses and malware Limewire gave us
Alcohol Soft
I was on Napster in 3rd grade first thing I ever dled illegally was bloodhound gang - first touch
Second thing I ever dled was tai mai shu and all the got rice songs
last thing I dled on Napster was some stupid Metallica file that crashed my Napster.
D*** wars game
D*** wars game
I mean I love filesharing and limewire brought it to the mainstream relatively but paid snippet and organic snippet culture are like two completely different things, and leak culture has evolved immensely since the old days as well. I think there’s good and bad for all eras, early 2014-2016 was like the last time leak / snippet culture was in a really good state but since it’s become more of a game and status thing than actually being about the music anymore. Limewire was a f***ing ride tho, never knew if you were gonna even get the right song let alone a f***ing virus almost bricked my parents PC trying to download a Sean Paul song