Hearing all these songs in a higher key is funny
Got these niggas sounding like Flyleaf
Yeah her clean vocals are good but her growling/scream are gonna need some more work. She knows she has big shoes to fill. Idk how she's already out of breath tho
Yeah, it doesn't help that they're doing these legacy songs. She was doomed from the start in some of the fan's eyes tbh, I'm sure whatever mastered vocals we get from her on the new album will sound fine.
she gonna sound good in the studio and that's what matters. probably just needs to rehearse more. her voice really does fit the vibe tho.
I'll rewatch the show later, got too much s*** to do atm. someone post full setlist when its over.
Glad that they’re able to perform these live again but man it’s so weird without Chester
It seems they got 1 more new member aside from her
Yes, new drummer and rhythm guitar
Yes, new drummer and rhythm guitar
I think the rhytm guitar is just filling in for Brad atm but the drummer is the permanent one iirc
She went crazy on Faint
I’m intrigued and excited to see how the new album is going to sound