Definition of NERP
NERP (acronym for New Era Re|tar|ded| Posters): coined January 12, 2020 as a word to describe the reformed 'trolls' or generally posters with antics / gimmicks on KTT2. In 2019 when the admin S (or Scott) announced that he was making a new site to replace the once popular forum "kanyetothe", the public eye became more aware of it and it started getting more notoriety around the internet. With this rise in popularity and registration being completely open to whoever came an influx of old trolls from the original site, inexperienced users who have minimal understanding of KTT culture, history, or the artifacts that define the tone of KTT, and generally just bad users with various annoying gimmicks that got old after a day.
The Very Incomplete List of NERP
User | NERP Status | Crimes against KTT2 flackojodye | Hopeless | Has created the most threads on this site with 99% of them being terrible. Generally a bad poster who contributes nothing to the topic. 100% NERP. M2 (aka markeur) | Critical | Creates bait threads in the music section to provoke users. Has been called out for it numerous times. Purposely trolls with a horrible taste in Music for attention. Sunshine | Critical | K-Pop "stan" who creates bait threads about the 90's rap era to troll users with generally awful opinions, never contributes any meaningful content to topics, flat out just annoying to users. coochiemane | Caution | Makes tons of annoying threads in the music section, split poster: can sometimes post decently, other times is annoying as hell. TroyAveStan | Hopeless | Awful poster, has been caught and exposed for claiming to be a different race ( All around a stupid gimmick that has fed up many users. 100% NERP, will never change. Wazziot | Banned | Made at least 100+ terrible threads that make no sense in the span of 2-3 days. Raged at anyone who posted against what he was saying. Got banned and rejoined with alt accounts. Perma-banned for being a moron. Osiris | Banned | Made 100+ threads, started a flame war with various MSCT users, got an entire Discord of members to spam KTT with "Lucki" threads in a desperate attempt to get a "Lucki Section". Viciously argued with users and made race-bait threads. Perma-banned. As of January 2020 Osiris Rejoined as Versace Abdul. Was ONCE AGAIN Banned for race-baiting and also posted an appreciation thread of an underage girl to G+G section. paranoidyoshi | Critical | One of the original KTT trolls, known for being a racist dirtbag and raging at users for no reason. Hot banned years ago. New account is likely just someone else's alt or not really him. luckithakidd | Banned | Lucki stan, part of the Osiris controversy Keeeeegan | Critical | Lucki stan, race baiting, hasn't been banned (yet) probably will happen anyday. chriscantrap | Inactive | Made lots of spam threads in the music section on ktt1, terrible poster that never contributed anything to discussion. Later rejoined KTT2 and did the same NERPish tier gimmick (possibly an imposter?). Inactive now though.
Thread is now Official soda thread part 2
You just made the list, Shane.
ur so close
those are some of ktt2's top contributors.
yevin's comments always bring a smile to my face
@DAVIDP Add this clown to the list right now.
He's not a troll though
those are some of ktt2's top contributors.
yevin's comments always bring a smile to my face
Yelvin a great guy all around, love seeing that avi pop up. Makes my day
@S here's your reference book
you could have just called them newfags you nerd
you could have just called them newfags you nerd
NERP is better and less offensive.. plus now we can say something originally came from ktt2.
you could have just called them newfags you nerd
That’s some 4chan type name
He's not a troll though
He's probably be better on a list of clowns, dude doesn't give off any NERP vibes
He's probably be better on a list of clowns, dude doesn't give off any NERP vibes
he was one of the guys going against you in the ktt2 discord once
He's probably be better on a list of clowns, dude doesn't give off any NERP vibes
He's been trolling me on KTT1 for the last five years...