Yo @_S_ how do I get in contact with you. I want to help out with the site and branding. Have major industry connects. Let me know how to reach out so I can tell you more
Yo @_S_ how do I get in contact with you. I want to help out with the site and branding. Have major industry connects. Let me know how to reach out so I can tell you more
Hey, there's a contact email at the bottom of the page
Hey, there's a contact email at the bottom of the page
Appreciate it. Will send you an email tonight with more info.
what ever happened to Dan the Man
@_S_ re-mod @_S_cratchin_Bandit
You forgot one @Beautiful_Morning 😉
@_S_ When will us section/global moderators get a cool icon/badge next to our username?
Note: don't tag mods, use the report button instead
@_S_ for some reason i cant write on posts only reply on mobile and laptop
@_S_ I’m tryna pay for a priv sxn