my dad was 38 when he married my 19 year old mother
i made a mistake calm down weirdo
wouldn't be surprised if hes waiting till marriage tbh
okay young thug stan
p**** boy
come to queens and keep that dame energy
*18 lol my bad
lol as if 18 was better lol its even worse
they had a 20 years gap
do u guys think drake likes to get his ass ate
im outta this thread fr
gonna go SOUTH SOUTH
you guys are so weird and then u wonder why nobody takes y’all seriously lol
lock thread
S please close registration
A closed circlejerk would end the same way as KTT1.
I told you niggas making a new site wouldn't fix the issues of the old one
it's a sunday and you make such vulgar threads
I’m just trolling tf outta him lmfao
nigga got the virgins laughing
this thread wild