So @ChatoBlato 's gimmick is being bipolar??
why do y’all always have this weird obsession towards me
I fw him tbh
Whenever we're talking about music he always has good discussions and input
its deadass users who are mad that i don’t like their fav artist
they take things so personal
christian dior dior
its deadass users who are mad that i don’t like their fav artist
they take things so personal
Same thing happens to me, I just put em on ignore or redirect them to my DavidP hate thread
shook of what??? what the f*** do u want from me?
i dont f***ing know you lol
its a sunday why dont u go out and do something
go outside
Getting a "go outside" post from a dude having the each 5th post ITT
Getting a "go outside" post from a dude having the each 5th post ITT
i’m posting outside
my dad was 38 when he married my 19 year old mother
All your posts make so much more sense now
All your posts make so much more sense now
literally doesn’t make any sense whatsoever lol
try again