I f***ing love rocky but the idea of changing music to make it not sound like a hit is not some hidden trick to make quality music
most of the best songs ever are hits
Disagree with this take tbh. I’d argue a majority of his good songs aren’t hits at all.
Don’t get me wrong, I f*** with F***in Problems and Goldie and s*** but you’re doing this man a huge disrespect if you think those are his “best” songs
Disagree with this take tbh. I’d argue a majority of his good songs aren’t hits at all.
Don’t get me wrong, I f*** with F***in Problems and Goldie and s*** but you’re doing this man a huge disrespect if you think those are his “best” songs
Nah I’m not saying his best songs are I’m talking about generally the best songs ever - a lot of them were popular songs
Nah I’m not saying his best songs are I’m talking about generally the best songs ever - a lot of them were popular songs
List examples cause idk if you and I talking about the same songs
List examples cause idk if you and I talking about the same songs
Like Hey Ya by OutKast
One of the best songs ever and very clearly a hit song
I’m saying that by all means don’t make hits but if the music he’s making is sounding great it shouldn’t be scrapped just because it is great AND has mainstream appeal
Like Hey Ya by OutKast
One of the best songs ever and very clearly a hit song
I’m saying that by all means don’t make hits but if the music he’s making is sounding great it shouldn’t be scrapped just because it is great AND has mainstream appeal
why not
I f***ing love rocky but the idea of changing music to make it not sound like a hit is not some hidden trick to make quality music
most of the best songs ever are hits
so true, thinking that songs are good just cuz they’re not popular or vice versa is a sign of s*** taste
I’d like it if it sounded good and not average tbh, Rocky wants to do experinenral music but he doesn’t always do it right, That what he doesn’t get, He needs to get one theme for a project and not 20 at the same time,because it won’t sound balanced in that way
Cool song.. hit? Don’t see how
And if you think for a second he didn’t want a hit with praise the lord you’re sick af
You aren't some special royal king who is busy and doesn't have time for music, just stop playing
this comment made me so angry lol
rocky cant make hits
rocky cant make hits
nah he said he purposefully chooses not to release hits
Cool song.. hit? Don’t see how
And if you think for a second he didn’t want a hit with praise the lord you’re sick af
getting a hit with skepta on your track in the US is unrealistic and he knew that
nah he said he purposefully chooses not to release hits
i think he just cant make hits man