This is a flat out Masterpiece bruh. I feel like I just walked through one of those Looney Toon portlesnand ended up in another dimension. This s*** is a crazy vibe right now. Floater music
live love asap so f***ing goat used to smoke weed to that s*** all day back in my stoner days
Really gotta be high to call that s*** a masterpiece
That’s a great project to listen to while smoking bruh, glad you’re having a good time
That’s a great project to listen to while smoking bruh, glad you’re having a good time
Let me knnnooowwww
Kkknnnooowww whhhaaaatttsss uuuuppppp
Befooorrreeb IIIIII rroooollll
Roollll ooonnneee uuuuppp!!!!!
Let me knnnooowwww
Kkknnnooowww whhhaaaatttsss uuuuppppp
Befooorrreeb IIIIII rroooollll
Roollll ooonnneee uuuuppp!!!!!
I been rollin up that weed, it got me high, high
Listening To LoveLoveA$AP Blazed Right Now