“They believe the patient was probably infected with the parasite directly from touching the native grass or after eating the greens.“
“They believe the patient was probably infected with the parasite directly from touching the native grass or after eating the greens.“
It was @boobdylan brain
“They believe the patient was probably infected with the parasite directly from touching the native grass or after eating the greens.“
Vegans are being controlled by worms and continue eating more plants to increase worm population.
Vegans are being controlled by worms and continue eating more plants to increase worm population.
You seem very wise, have a green bean
people die every day b
not sure what would be worse to experience
roundworm in the brain
or tapeworm in the stomach
I feel like I got one of these
Prob from too much tik tok
Vegans are being controlled by worms and continue eating more plants to increase worm population.
crazy that this is what we have to look forward to in 10 years
Vegans are being controlled by worms and continue eating more plants to increase worm population.
“They believe the patient was probably infected with the parasite directly from touching the native grass or after eating the greens.“
Thats why im still not touching grass, no matter how many times yall tell me to
Vegans are being controlled by worms and continue eating more plants to increase worm population.
They even created ticks that make you allergic to eating meat if it bites you!