Love me some big women when the whip decrease in elevation when she get on
when I struggle to put my arms around her
fat s***
ass dimples
thigh dimples
the sloppiest of b******s
im on some mr nevercracker monster house s***
fair enough
ALot of yall have asbolutely no understanding of how addiction works and clearly live in your own little world where nuance doesn't exist
A massive portion of this country is really fat, the amount of them that are genuinely addicted to food is much smaller than you think
Also idk if fat people are really held down when it comes to getting a job, opportunities, people wanting to kill them, being treated unfairly from the powers that be (ie police). They may have a harder time dating or may get side eyes at walmart but to say they're oppressed is a stretch imo
Mfs love talking abt personal responsibility except for when it comes to other peoples weight, then it becomes their responsibility to bully others into changing their diets lol
Also idk if fat people are really held down when it comes to getting a job, opportunities, people wanting to kill them, being treated unfairly from the powers that be (ie police). They may have a harder time dating or may get side eyes at walmart but to say they're oppressed is a stretch imo
There can be different levels of oppression
Mfs love talking abt personal responsibility except for when it comes to other peoples weight, then it becomes their responsibility to bully others into changing their diets lol
so if sby extremely fat u just supposed to act like its normal?
Love me some big women when the whip decrease in elevation when she get on
when I struggle to put my arms around her
fat s***
ass dimples
thigh dimples
the sloppiest of b******s
im on some mr nevercracker monster house s***
Why tho
I’m not wrong brother, you are a sensitive b****
genetics and eating disorders exist
so if sby extremely fat u just supposed to act like its normal?
It's called minding your business like an adult and not acting like a 5th grader on the playground
There can be different levels of oppression
Yes but in the video in OP she was basically directly comparing being black and being fat and saying there is a system of oppression against fat people and I don't really see how there is
genetics and eating disorders exist
thats like 0.0002 % of the cases with fat ppl tho, its all about the diet
if u eat healthy asf and have that condition you wont bloat up to literal whale size
Yes but in the video in OP she was basically directly comparing being black and being fat and saying there is a system of oppression against fat people and I don't really see how there is
Only comparing the way that other tiktokker phrased the question to that jane ladys rhetorical question , nobody is making the case that an overweight cop gobbling donuts nonstop has the same status in society as black people
It's called minding your business like an adult and not acting like a 5th grader on the playground
but like when u around sby obese u are bound2 say something that may come off ass offensive even if u coming from a positive place, like im not going. to avoid certain topics like food or working out or whatever just cause it might offend sby
but like when u around sby obese u are bound2 say something that may come off ass offensive even if u coming from a positive place, like im not going. to avoid certain topics like food or working out or whatever just cause it might offend sby
That hypothetical scenario has absolutely nothing to do with fat shaming
Im the first person to offer help if somebody wants to lose weight, but it's not my responsibility to start that conversation unless we have a relationship where that would be appropriate
That hypothetical scenario has absolutely nothing to do with fat shaming
Im the first person to offer help if somebody wants to lose weight, but it's not my responsibility to start that conversation unless we have a relationship where that would be appropriate
im mean u will end up getting a fat persons feelings hurt regardless alot of times
yeah im not saying everyone should be fat shamed 24/7, but it also should never be seen as normal, cause its just not
I’m not responding to anything this ricky guy say on this topic lol the rest of yall should do the same
i wouldnt wanna be fat because i dont wanna be sweaty and tired after walking up one flight of stairs and i also don't why to die at age 40 of obesity
i wouldnt wanna be fat because i dont wanna be sweaty and tired after walking up one flight of stairs and i also don't why to die at age 40 of obesity
i wouldnt wanna be fat because i dont wanna be sweaty and tired after walking up one flight of stairs and i also don't why to die at age 40 of obesity
true! there is no obese person over 40!
im mean u will end up getting a fat persons feelings hurt regardless alot of times
yeah im not saying everyone should be fat shamed 24/7, but it also should never be seen as normal, cause its just not
If u cant be around fat people without hurting their feelings about their weight u gotta work on ur social skills fam lol
Being overweight should be seen as a health issue that is preventable and unless that overweight person wants ur advice u should be able to keep ur thoughts to urself if u were raised right
Only comparing the way that other tiktokker phrased the question to that jane ladys rhetorical question , nobody is making the case that an overweight cop gobbling donuts nonstop has the same status in society as black people
But she used the phrase "system of oppression" how is there a system of oppression against fat people?
Also idk if fat people are really held down when it comes to getting a job, opportunities, people wanting to kill them, being treated unfairly from the powers that be (ie police). They may have a harder time dating or may get side eyes at walmart but to say they're oppressed is a stretch imo
we not :Dead: men at least