Oh. I posted that thread in life. I guess it was not allowed? Thats why i cant get into the thread now
Life sxn mods moved it to gng. I guess because it relates to sexual content? I would have kept it in life sxn if it was up to me
Life sxn mods moved it to gng. I guess because it relates to sexual content? I would have kept it in life sxn if it was up to me
i see
Didnt know sexual content wasnt allowed
i see
Didnt know sexual content wasnt allowed
It is but in the gng sxn
No kink shaming allowed itt take your kink shaming elsewhere you filthy prude
we eat cum, enjoy Incest and want to suffocate from the bumhole. If you don't like it then go do one
Abdul hates kink shamers
one of these things...
Incest? I’m ducking out man wtf
Pretty vanilla fantasy compared to whats out there tbh
No kink shaming allowed itt take your kink shaming elsewhere you filthy prude
we eat cum, enjoy Incest and want to suffocate from the bumhole. If you don't like it then go do one
Abdul hates kink shamers
enjoy Incest
Who's we nigga