I’ve been making music with my best friend for a while now as I’d engineer his stuff, but I finally learned how to produce a bit this year. We’ve been putting out new tracks each Wednesday for the last fourteen weeks, and plan to continue for a whole calendar year.
I produce the tracks as well as mix and master them, and Logan obviously writes and does the vocals.
I’ve been making individual threads each week, but I think I’m just going to consolidate it to one thread and update it by the week.
You can check out the playlist below. The tracks or in order of latest to oldest releases. Any feedback would be appreciated, and I’d be glad to check out anybody else’s music as well if you want to link me!
New song this week is titled, “Relax.”
Did a little beat switch up for the third verse.
Any feedback would be appreciated!
The song this week is titled, “Little Did You Know.”
I made it with mostly synths, threw on an acoustic guitar at some parts. Logan did his thing with the vocals, with the hook inspired by See You in My Nightmares by Kanye.
Any feedback would be appreciated!