I feel the same way when it's only likes and no replies.
Someone f***ing talk to me please
Always gotta make a few spicy posts before you go to sleep to wake up to those sweet notifications
good thing in my time zone is that no ones on when i go to sleep
but when i wake up thats like prime traffic so its always good to see couple pissed off people on the internet
I feel the same way when it's only likes and no replies.
Someone f***ing talk to me please
Bergman fan?
Yes. My faves are Persona, Wild Strawberries and Cries and Whispers.
What about you?
Yes. My faves are Persona, Wild Strawberries and Cries and Whispers.
What about you?
I've only seen persona and half of seventh seal need to finish it.
Watching persona off an edible was a different experience tho
I've only seen persona and half of seventh seal need to finish it.
Watching persona off an edible was a different experience tho
that sounds wild
what are your fav movies
that sounds wild
what are your fav movies
1. Big lebowski
2. Empire strikes back
3. You were never really here
4. Ivan's childhood
5. Akira
Feel like my movie taste is pretty normy at this point but there's so much to watch and I can't focus on anything
1. Big lebowski
2. Empire strikes back
3. You were never really here
4. Ivan's childhood
5. Akira
Feel like my movie taste is pretty normy at this point but there's so much to watch and I can't focus on anything
cool list, I've only seen the first two but the others are on my watchlist. Might watch You Were Never Really Here soon actually
cool list, I've only seen the first two but the others are on my watchlist. Might watch You Were Never Really Here soon actually
It's just a movie that's really close to my heart cause I've suffered from ptsd.
Joaquin's performance is also>>>>>>
Same man