he talks about having to provide for his family and feeling like his relatives just blow the money bc to them, he's the infinite money glitch. Tbh I feel him. Everybody has a limit, and even if I was that well off, I would get sick of it at one point.
On one hand, he clearly wants his family members not to struggle, but at the other extreme, you have people that will just take advantage of your financial situation because they feel entitled to.
He was talking about his 12 year old nephew who he says "plays fortnite too much." Kinda f***ed up to tarnish your family's name just to seem fluent in finance during tax season
He was talking about his 12 year old nephew who he says "plays fortnite too much." Kinda f***ed up to tarnish your family's name just to seem fluent in finance during tax season
where did he say that?
Lowkey I sometimes wonder if my stuff blows up and I'm rich how I'd handle a situation like this because my aunties and cousins already asking me for money when I'm broke af rn. I can't imagine how many brand new "cousins" pop up when you're famous. It sounds f***ed up but I understand where he's coming from
He was talking about his 12 year old nephew who he says "plays fortnite too much." Kinda f***ed up to tarnish your family's name just to seem fluent in finance during tax season
I think he's just giving his honest perspective on what its like seeing family members turn to people who look at you like the money machine
Lowkey I sometimes wonder if my stuff blows up and I'm rich how I'd handle a situation like this because my aunties and cousins already asking me for money when I'm broke af rn. I can't imagine how many brand new "cousins" pop up when you're famous. It sounds f***ed up but I understand where he's coming from
That nigga looked his “daddy in the face” and said he wouldn’t give him s***
It's better to invest back into the community through charity or something and make a difference. Something tells me Logic isn't big on community tho but it's his money so whatever
That nigga looked his “daddy in the face” and said he wouldn’t give him s***
tbh his dad was a f***ed up person for his entire childhood who abused d**** and destroyed young Logic's credit by taking out lines of credit in his name and blowing the money.
He does not have a history of being financially responsible, and I understand that. I wouldn't wanna pay a large sum of money to someone who doesn't value it or me as an individual.
tbh his dad was a f***ed up person for his entire childhood who abused d**** and destroyed young Logic's credit by taking out lines of credit in his name and blowing the money.
He does not have a history of being financially responsible, and I understand that. I wouldn't wanna pay a large sum of money to someone who doesn't value it or me as an individual.
Still lame as f*** to do all that on the internet
Lowkey I sometimes wonder if my stuff blows up and I'm rich how I'd handle a situation like this because my aunties and cousins already asking me for money when I'm broke af rn. I can't imagine how many brand new "cousins" pop up when you're famous. It sounds f***ed up but I understand where he's coming from
my biological family is too big fr
I would be running across unknown cousins and long lost relatives every other day
Africans will find you easily
if I ever get a significant amount of money in life, I would hope its in a way that can keep me fairly unknown to the public
I think he's just giving his honest perspective on what its like seeing family members turn to people who look at you like the money machine
I was joking I didn't watch
google says his net worth is $14m, i wonder if those $9m worth of houses are under his name
Lmao was waiting for it to circle back to this
Amazing how people cherrypick and choose how to react to the same thing said by different people
Still lame as f*** to do all that on the internet
Boo hoo
Nigga was a d*** addict who f***ed up his sons credit lmao I’m sure he’ll be alright if Logic uses this for content for more income. That nigga daddy don’t got no raps you wanna hear so let them cook lol
Gotta know which family you can help and which ones you don’t. And which ones be on some hater s*** if you don’t. Some people probably feel blackmailed into supporting certain family members because those same ones will bring out some dirt if they don’t get what they want. And those are always the ones that take advantage and blow through money.
Context is very important in these situations tbh it’s not always a rapper being greedy.
Still lame as f*** to do all that on the internet
I don’t f*** with logic but no, not at all. just because they’re your family doesn’t mean they’re entitled to what you have.
Boo hoo
Nigga was a d*** addict who f***ed up his sons credit lmao I’m sure he’ll be alright if Logic uses this for content for more income. That nigga daddy don’t got no raps you wanna hear so let them cook lol
Nigga neither do he.
certain s*** ain’t for the internet
If you rich and you give someone poor money, don't entertain the delusion that it's a loan. People got no interest in paying those that are richer than them back , that's the truth of it.