We always want to chase the high of buying something.
Once you bought something the high goes away. And the cycle continues.
Never done that and will never do that. My cheques start with my priorities and needs then with the change I can buy something good
materialism doesn't truly fill empty voids. only temporarily
It’s ok to buy many clothes and pay a high amount of money if you got a passion for it and can afford it. You should never do this to just boost your self esteem. It does not work like that long term. It’s ok at a young age tho.
used to buy raf and all those brands, now it's just plain black shirts black jeans, leather jacket and docs, I don't give a f***
used to buy raf and all those brands, now it's just plain black shirts black jeans, leather jacket and docs, I don't give a f***
what changed? how'd you break the cycle?
what changed? how'd you break the cycle?
I used to travel to London every month to get some designer s***, but there was a point where most of my money was going towards fixing my health, and after that I've just lost interest. There is nothing in the fashion world that excites me any more.
I used to travel to London every month to get some designer s***, but there was a point where most of my money was going towards fixing my health, and after that I've just lost interest. There is nothing in the fashion world that excites me any more.
definitely a loop
but this year i haven't bought anything new
and upcycling old pieces e.g. tie dying blanks with marks or i dont wear anymore
Sold most of the things I don’t really like and made most of my money back and put it towards better pieces
Luckily I never got myself deep into that cycle
learned early on that expensive things don’t make me happy
only sad if you bought some hyped/trendy s*** or somee you don't fw anymore
only sad if you bought some hyped/trendy s*** or somee you don't fw anymore
p much!! I’m happy with the state of my wardrobe and thus don’t regret spending the sometimes exorbitant amounts of money on pieces that I still cherish to this day.
OP really spent a year upcycling/designing old tees and not buying new clothes except socks and boxers
we growing
I think of it as it’s just some future rare gear my kids will rock that gon make em poppin. Don’t stress bout it but if u have to blow a whole check on a piece and feel bad after then I shouldn’t have in the first place lol. Satisfactions only there temporarily. I actually find certain values in pieces.
I regret it until I go on a date with a bad b**** and ppl complementing me on my fashion in front of her
I always think about dates or places to go with the clothes I’m buying and how fly I’ll look and the regret goes away
What else would I spend it on
crypto, skydiving, hobbies, dates, self-improvement e.g. gym, therapy, life coach programmes, education
I think of it as it’s just some future rare gear my kids will rock that gon make em poppin. Don’t stress bout it but if u have to blow a whole check on a piece and feel bad after then I shouldn’t have in the first place lol. Satisfactions only there temporarily. I actually find certain values in pieces.
tank on empty, whippin my momma volvo, I spent that gas money on clothes with logos
might be the realest s*** I ever heard