  • Kyle Anderson is gone

  • Lakers officially announce summer league squad.

    California Classic starts July 6 (4 days).

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    2 replies
  • Silas

  • Pretty sure we'll get Gary Trent jr

  • Terry Stotts is gone

  • Silas

    They building a Law & Order episode over there

  • The draft pick from last season still injured??

  • KemuriYumeThaGreat

    The draft pick from last season still injured??

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  • Silas

  • Casey is gone

  • No paycut for Lebron.

  • Woj: Rest of Lakers offseason is likely minimum contracts and moves around the edges. No dramatic shakeup trade is expected and are hellbent on not wanting a 3rd star.

  • Now that Lebron agreed to his contract

    Here's a summary of Lakers situation:

    • MLE is no longer available
    • Cannot do sign + trade (ex. no DeMar)
    • Cannot take back additional salary in any trade
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    Good hires from the front office with Nate and Scott.

    Lakers don’t have much assets to trade still after this off-season. I still much rather blow it up and start from scratch. Being a treadmill team is the worst spot in the NBA.

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    1 reply

    Good hires from the front office with Nate and Scott.

    Lakers don’t have much assets to trade still after this off-season. I still much rather blow it up and start from scratch. Being a treadmill team is the worst spot in the NBA.

    D’Lo expiring and 2 firsts are a decent haul. Its just gotta be for the right player