Lenin Ramirez got such a beautiful voice man
Radio plays this but Lenin version only which I can’t find
Side note: 1:48 does JOP get mad at the backup singer or am I tripping
3:52 no mames los taqutios dorados de papa y queso en la salsita de aguacate se ven delicioso voy a cocinarlos mañanaa
3:52 no mames los taqutios dorados de papa y queso en la salsita de aguacate se ven delicioso voy a cocinarlos mañanaa
Mi encanta ese queso se mira rico
estaba riquísimo, pero ahora me duele el estómago
demasiado queso
Yall let the colonizers win a LATIN grammy
This is how the aztecs must have felt when the spaniards landed
This is how the aztecs must have felt when the spaniards landed
It has happened b4 with others but I just don't like her
Yall let the colonizers win a LATIN grammy
The gilipollas infiltrating the culture as usual
title update