  • Feb 22, 2022

    Just started a character in Europe, loving it so far.

    What yall playing?

    I'm playing a sourcerer currently.

    Maining a Deadeye. Pistoleer build, moving like John Wick

  • Feb 22, 2022

    same, its worse then heartbreak when you fail honing

    I failed like 10 times so far It's especially bad when you fail on a f***ing weapon since it's so much mats

  • Feb 22, 2022
    1 reply

    Also, for anyone not in the know, USE THIS FOR ISLANDS

    I can't explain how insanely useful this tool is.

  • Feb 22, 2022
    1 reply

    Gun lancer dodge is so annoying

  • Feb 22, 2022
    Not Like Josuke

    Gun lancer dodge is so annoying

    I hated it at first but you get pretty used to it. You're not really supposed to be dodging much anyway.

  • Feb 23, 2022

    Also, for anyone not in the know, USE THIS FOR ISLANDS

    I can't explain how insanely useful this tool is.

    damn, nice

  • Feb 24, 2022

    abyssal dungeons r no joke wtf

  • Feb 24, 2022
    1 reply


  • Feb 24, 2022
    1 reply


    Damn you passed me up. I been at 546 for the last couple days, haven’t had much time to play. Been doing a lot side quest n completionism content though. 400 mokoko seeds

  • Feb 24, 2022
    Mr Motion
    · edited

    Damn you passed me up. I been at 546 for the last couple days, haven’t had much time to play. Been doing a lot side quest n completionism content though. 400 mokoko seeds

    Grinding before finals start/work picks up and I won't be able to play much. Game is addicting as hell

  • Feb 24, 2022

    In T2 now

  • Feb 25, 2022
    1 reply

    RNG Gods really f***ing with me. I'm 2 pieces off from T2, but I kept failing on my honing. Now I gotta wait maybe a day or 2 to get more mats.

    On another note, damn near impossible to do Hildebrandt Abyssal Dungeon with pug groups, everybody I was in kept getting to the same point and wiping

  • Feb 25, 2022
    1 reply

    the engravings system is very confusing to me

    i cant even begin to figure out what is happening because its just so weird

  • Feb 26, 2022
    Mr Motion

    RNG Gods really f***ing with me. I'm 2 pieces off from T2, but I kept failing on my honing. Now I gotta wait maybe a day or 2 to get more mats.

    On another note, damn near impossible to do Hildebrandt Abyssal Dungeon with pug groups, everybody I was in kept getting to the same point and wiping

    580-600 is a f***ing travesty.

    Make sure you get mats from all the islands. Fantasm Island especially, a lot of people miss it because it says ilvl600 recommended but you can still enter it.

  • Feb 26, 2022
    1 reply

    the engravings system is very confusing to me

    i cant even begin to figure out what is happening because its just so weird

    What class are you playing?

  • Feb 26, 2022
    1 reply

    What class are you playing?


  • Feb 26, 2022

    Is it good? Too hooked on PSO2 right now.

  • Feb 27, 2022
    2 replies


    Basically, this is how engravings work, I'll use mine as an example (Gunlancer, Lone Knight, Super Charge):

    1. Class Engravings. You have one single class engraving, and eventually multiple general, combat engravings. The class engraving changes how your class works in a fundamental way. This is my class engraving:

    You can see how many points I have here, all of which come from different sources. Each tier is a boost to that engraving's abilities, and in order to actually have the effect, you need it to at least reach Lv. 1 (at least 5 points). The points in between don't change anything.

    You get can get class engravings from these chests:

    Which produce books. Reading 20 books will "learn" the engraving. Learning 20 green books give you 3 points, which allows you to equip the engraving, but not actually get the benefit yet. You can equip the engraving by simply pressing these slots in your char profile and dragging the engraving:

    You'll have to get the other two points from accessories, like this:

    And then on and on. Once you start getting rare (blue) chests, and get 20 blue books, you'll get an additional 6 points on top of the original 3. I'd just look up the side quests to get these chests if you haven't already done them. The blue chests will require island exploration and show up in later content.

    2. Combat Engravings. Same as class engravings, except they're across classes and you can have multiple of them. This is one of my combat engravings:

    Instead of chests, they come from these pouches:

    Same rules apply. Accessories as well. The only difference in gaining points is that you also have ability stones.

    These ability stones are extremely powerful but also pretty RNG. You get one, go to the ability stone cutter, and facet it and pray that you get a good balance of two skills + minimal downsides of the negative engraving.

    For sorceress, I would try to aim for:

    Ignite (Class) + All-Out Attack (Combat)


    Reflux (Class) + Precise Dagger (Combat)

    More info here:

    That's my TED talk on engravings.

  • Feb 27, 2022
    1 reply

    Basically, this is how engravings work, I'll use mine as an example (Gunlancer, Lone Knight, Super Charge):

    1. Class Engravings. You have one single class engraving, and eventually multiple general, combat engravings. The class engraving changes how your class works in a fundamental way. This is my class engraving:

    You can see how many points I have here, all of which come from different sources. Each tier is a boost to that engraving's abilities, and in order to actually have the effect, you need it to at least reach Lv. 1 (at least 5 points). The points in between don't change anything.

    You get can get class engravings from these chests:

    Which produce books. Reading 20 books will "learn" the engraving. Learning 20 green books give you 3 points, which allows you to equip the engraving, but not actually get the benefit yet. You can equip the engraving by simply pressing these slots in your char profile and dragging the engraving:

    You'll have to get the other two points from accessories, like this:

    And then on and on. Once you start getting rare (blue) chests, and get 20 blue books, you'll get an additional 6 points on top of the original 3. I'd just look up the side quests to get these chests if you haven't already done them. The blue chests will require island exploration and show up in later content.

    2. Combat Engravings. Same as class engravings, except they're across classes and you can have multiple of them. This is one of my combat engravings:

    Instead of chests, they come from these pouches:

    Same rules apply. Accessories as well. The only difference in gaining points is that you also have ability stones.

    These ability stones are extremely powerful but also pretty RNG. You get one, go to the ability stone cutter, and facet it and pray that you get a good balance of two skills + minimal downsides of the negative engraving.

    For sorceress, I would try to aim for:

    Ignite (Class) + All-Out Attack (Combat)


    Reflux (Class) + Precise Dagger (Combat)

    More info here:

    That's my TED talk on engravings.

    Thanks for the help mane this is rly dope I think I get how it all works for the most part now, was mainly confused by ability stones and how to actually equip engravings since my items have points towards some engravings yet I can't equip them

    Sounds like I need some of those chests for the books lol

  • Feb 27, 2022

    Thanks for the help mane this is rly dope I think I get how it all works for the most part now, was mainly confused by ability stones and how to actually equip engravings since my items have points towards some engravings yet I can't equip them

    Sounds like I need some of those chests for the books lol

    No problem man. Here's a quick list of places where you can get some initial engraving books, all side quests:

  • Feb 28, 2022

    Basically, this is how engravings work, I'll use mine as an example (Gunlancer, Lone Knight, Super Charge):

    1. Class Engravings. You have one single class engraving, and eventually multiple general, combat engravings. The class engraving changes how your class works in a fundamental way. This is my class engraving:

    You can see how many points I have here, all of which come from different sources. Each tier is a boost to that engraving's abilities, and in order to actually have the effect, you need it to at least reach Lv. 1 (at least 5 points). The points in between don't change anything.

    You get can get class engravings from these chests:

    Which produce books. Reading 20 books will "learn" the engraving. Learning 20 green books give you 3 points, which allows you to equip the engraving, but not actually get the benefit yet. You can equip the engraving by simply pressing these slots in your char profile and dragging the engraving:

    You'll have to get the other two points from accessories, like this:

    And then on and on. Once you start getting rare (blue) chests, and get 20 blue books, you'll get an additional 6 points on top of the original 3. I'd just look up the side quests to get these chests if you haven't already done them. The blue chests will require island exploration and show up in later content.

    2. Combat Engravings. Same as class engravings, except they're across classes and you can have multiple of them. This is one of my combat engravings:

    Instead of chests, they come from these pouches:

    Same rules apply. Accessories as well. The only difference in gaining points is that you also have ability stones.

    These ability stones are extremely powerful but also pretty RNG. You get one, go to the ability stone cutter, and facet it and pray that you get a good balance of two skills + minimal downsides of the negative engraving.

    For sorceress, I would try to aim for:

    Ignite (Class) + All-Out Attack (Combat)


    Reflux (Class) + Precise Dagger (Combat)

    More info here:

    That's my TED talk on engravings.

    You can actually double equip the same engraving so you get double the points. Usually best to do it for a class engraving in T1-T2

  • Feb 28, 2022

    Reached T2 yesterday finally had enough T2 mats to pump up to 920 from the start

    I can already tell gems gonna be a big money sink for me. I bought like 50 t2 gem chest off the AH, they were going for like 14g each. Fused them so that all my slots would be filled with at least lvl. 3 gems, then did RNG for the next 30 mins trying to get the actual skills I wanted them to have. Probably spent like 100k silver on rerolls. I know at higher levels s*** gonna cost like 100k for a reroll a level 7 gem

  • Mar 2, 2022

    Man that rohendel abyssal got me f***ed up

    S*** gives me flashbacks to wow wiping for hours etc, reading how to do boss fights before the raid, hating PUGs

  • Mar 3, 2022

    so close to tier 3

  • Mar 3, 2022

    I’m at 1000 ilvl. Gonna push to T3 over the weekend

    Cleared Sea of Indolence last night with my guild
    Got my full orange set, and got crazy good accessories from it
