  • Sep 19, 2023
    1 reply
    slime wrld

    the universe began from love nigga that’s our highest state of being

    the universe began from a cosmic explosion

  • Sep 19, 2023
    1 reply

    hope u find God

  • Sep 19, 2023
    2 replies

    hope u find God

    while love may or may not exist im comfortable in saying god doesnt

  • Sep 19, 2023
    1 reply
    slime wrld

    the universe began from love nigga that’s our highest state of being

  • Sep 19, 2023
    math fifty

    the universe began from a cosmic explosion

    and that explosion happened because two particles got entangled … Love my boy

  • say gex

  • Sep 19, 2023

  • Sep 19, 2023
    whippet volverse

    it’s truly whatever you feel i just know life is made because of love lol so what else is more powerful?

  • Sep 19, 2023

    !dream Michael Jackson dead body on gurney surrounded by North Korean soldiers album cover

  • fun

    cant relate to this forum, im in love


  • Sep 19, 2023

    It's not a myth, but it's make believe

  • rano 🇧🇷
    Sep 19, 2023

    Time, death and the self are literally illusions yet niggas only get emotional about how love aint real.
    If you don't want to accept modern love create your own version mf

  • Sep 19, 2023
    math fifty

    while love may or may not exist im comfortable in saying god doesnt

  • Sep 19, 2023

    i didnt believe in love until i got my cat

  • Sep 19, 2023
    math fifty

    while love may or may not exist im comfortable in saying god doesnt

    Love is the most sublime expression of the Divine and represents the apotheosis of Life

  • Sep 19, 2023
    1 reply
    math fifty

    what you call love was invented by advertisers to sell a product

    happy 16th birthday

  • Sep 19, 2023
    2 replies

    cant relate to this forum, im in love

  • Sep 19, 2023
    KOL Meezy Mestizo

    Jaydolf Rizzler

  • Sep 19, 2023

    happy 16th birthday

    Thank you

  • Sep 19, 2023
    KOL Meezy Mestizo


  • Sep 19, 2023
    math fifty

    that s*** aint real

    Idk who hurt you but you’ll get over it lol

    So many people including me are living proof of love being real

  • Sep 19, 2023
    1 reply
    math fifty

    whats the point of making yourself vulnerable when all niggas do is take advantage of it

    Having people take advantage of you for your courage of opening up and being vulnerable sucks, but those are not the type of people you would be around then anyway

    Surround yourself with people that value you for you, easier said than done but a huge thing of getting older is weeding out the unnecessary people/stuff that break your balance and inner peace

    There’s always a possibility of someone f***ing you over, but most of the time your intuition will guide you

    Don’t become a doomer because of some bad experiences. Learn from them, keep positive and supportive company.


  • Sep 19, 2023

    Having people take advantage of you for your courage of opening up and being vulnerable sucks, but those are not the type of people you would be around then anyway

    Surround yourself with people that value you for you, easier said than done but a huge thing of getting older is weeding out the unnecessary people/stuff that break your balance and inner peace

    There’s always a possibility of someone f***ing you over, but most of the time your intuition will guide you

    Don’t become a doomer because of some bad experiences. Learn from them, keep positive and supportive company.


    im not gonna become a doomer im just hurting rn

    i know love is real but it always seems to evade me and besides romantic partners ive never really had it from my family and a lot of my friends have backstabbed me