give it a rest buddy
The only good song? :word:
Some of your takes bro
u ain't getting any p**** bro, i promise u dat
u ain't getting any p**** bro, i promise u dat
Caring if another man gets p**** or not
Streets aint bumping this
kinda pissed this isn't a trap music s***plalylist thread
@TroyAveStan who made your avi? True art right there fr
so are we pretending Reborn isn't a good song or what
Way too long, loses its momentum 1 minute in and only picks up 3 minutes later when the breakdown part begins.
Way too long, loses its momentum 1 minute in and only picks up 3 minutes later when the breakdown part begins.
I disagree that it's way too long. I could hear the simple refrain 'I'm moving forward' for ages when I'm feeling low. Very uplifting track. I respect you didn't just say 'mid' though
so are we pretending Reborn isn't a good song or what
They was playing this in the gym this week I was confused when hitting my bench
They was playing this in the gym this week I was confused when hitting my bench
I can imagine it being a good motivational track on the treadmill tbh. Makes me think about exercising more