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  • Nov 27, 2019

    if she keeps proving herself with this prison reform wave she on i could see it

    She never appears rattled lately, her life is an open book, and lets just call a spade a spade we Americans are a vain people lol

    having one of the most attractive women in the world as a world leader is not unprecedented (royalty/queens were often extremely beautiful ie Cleopatra)

    When a beautiful women speaks and does so in an unemotional intelligent and clear way people listen

  • Nov 27, 2019
    2 replies

    Imagine the first female president being a Kardashian the thought is wild

    Her EQ has been skyrocketing since last year tho so she probably could run a successful campaign in theory

  • Nov 27, 2019
    · edited

    Imagine the first female president being a Kardashian the thought is wild

    Her EQ has been skyrocketing since last year tho so she probably could run a successful campaign in theory

    Y'all have trump for president lmfaoo none topping that

  • Nov 27, 2019
    1 reply

    i dont think shes smart enough honestly

  • Nov 27, 2019

    Look at my influence on this forum

    Love to see it

  • Nov 27, 2019

    i dont think shes smart enough honestly

    Donald. Trump.

    We living in a new world fam

  • Nov 27, 2019
    · edited

    Imagine the first female president being a Kardashian the thought is wild

    Her EQ has been skyrocketing since last year tho so she probably could run a successful campaign in theory

    Woman politicians AOC Kamala Davis Warren Hilary etc just don't come off as likable or relatable to alot of ppl, men and women

    I feel like Kim K would be likeable to alot of different demos and moreso would get a lot of people to vote who wouldn't usually vote

    i'm telling you fam, i could really see it happen lol

    and what really convinces me is that she's be trained and experienced in dealing with cameras, attention, controversies and has seemingly developed quite a poker face in that she never seems rattled anymore. The Paris robbery probably helped with that too

  • Nov 27, 2019

    Good post OP. You raise a lot of good points.

    I actually just finished watching a clip of Kim and I was thinking the same thing. About how she’s incredibly unreactive lately. Like nothing can throw her off course.

    She’s becoming a truly amazing woman I can’t wait to see it.

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