freewave 3 a day keeps the feelings inside in a unhealthy way not allowing you to properly deal with your emotions without lucki or weed mixed with percocet
@justwantyandhi add me to OP
I didn't know Luckster got his own section, king s***
Xan Cage one of his best songs
one of the first songs i heard from him
one of his best music vids as well
his loosies so underrated
by the waving i know she plotting,catwoman love meeting you and robin, don't you know there's more to this world than Gotham
so much substance in his work. it’s like every time i re listen to projects i’m picking up on more and more, whether it be samples, references, or just a greater appreciation for his cadence
If you got a bro that also listens to Lucki and he posts himself listening to Dirty You check on him cause that nigga is NOT OKAY
If you got a bro that also listens to Lucki and he posts himself listening to Dirty You check on him cause that nigga is NOT OKAY
Dirty You and BPrint
Dirty You and BPrint
i know it seems as such, but i am not stable
(got bprint and poker face confused cause they follow eachother)
If you got a bro that also listens to Lucki and he posts himself listening to Dirty You check on him cause that nigga is NOT OKAY