don’t take this the wrong way i’m just curious. aren’t you a trav stan? you don’t feel a way about him having sexual relationships with rubi rose when she was underaged?
way more complicated situation than rape
it’s f***ed up and i don’t fw travis for doing that s*** but she herself admitted to lying abt her age as far back as when she was 15 to sleep so i have no way of knowing if that’s what happened in this case
Obviously f*** anyone who knowingly sleeps with someone underage and also it’s their responsibility to verify the age and maturity of ppl they sleep with but when you’re young and actively seeking out that lifestyle and lying abt ur age constantly there’s only so much responsibility one can deflect
the power dynamics in these relationships are very f***ed and it only gets more complicated when you got the person who’s usually perceived as the weaker one actively seeking out these arrangements and it’s a symptom of the way our society views sexuality, which must be fixed
He look like Meek Mill if someone inflated his head with a lil bit more air
well yeah the i know the accuser personally and i’d rather believe her than the junkie who tweeted abt abusing women
Like you know the accuser irl?
Like you know the accuser irl?
i’ve been friends w her on twitter since ‘17? ‘18? The entire incident happened in ‘15 so it was before i knew her
i’ve been friends w her on twitter since ‘17? ‘18? The entire incident happened in ‘15 so it was before i knew her
Boy knowing people personally through Twitter that’s deep smh :(
Boy knowing people personally through Twitter that’s deep smh :(
yeah for 3 years and regularly interacting with them i’d say that i can trust an accusation that serious, esp when people far closer to her verified it
yeah for 3 years and regularly interacting with them i’d say that i can trust an accusation that serious, esp when people far closer to her verified it
You put a lot into internet relationships I see,I hear u though
You put a lot into internet relationships I see,I hear u though
a friendship is worth just the same as real life
also i don’t get how this invalidates the accusation this isn’t about me
also i don’t get how this invalidates the accusation this isn’t about me
I just thought like you knew the accuser personally,you just tried to add that sauce onto it to make it seem like lucki for sure did that s*** when you yourself don’t know like the rest of us
I just thought like you knew the accuser personally,you just tried to add that sauce onto it to make it seem like lucki for sure did that s*** when you yourself don’t know like the rest of us
i know them personally, and i’m pretty damn sure her accusation has more weight than whatever denial lucki comes w
i know them personally, and i’m pretty damn sure her accusation has more weight than whatever denial lucki comes w
You know the women via Twitter followings bro that’s not real life.
You know the women via Twitter followings bro that’s not real life.
yeah if i did nothing but liking tweets fam
yeah if i did nothing but liking tweets fam
Whatever you say bruv we’re gonna agree to disagree 🤝
way more complicated situation than rape
it’s f***ed up and i don’t fw travis for doing that s*** but she herself admitted to lying abt her age as far back as when she was 15 to sleep so i have no way of knowing if that’s what happened in this case
Obviously f*** anyone who knowingly sleeps with someone underage and also it’s their responsibility to verify the age and maturity of ppl they sleep with but when you’re young and actively seeking out that lifestyle and lying abt ur age constantly there’s only so much responsibility one can deflect
the power dynamics in these relationships are very f***ed and it only gets more complicated when you got the person who’s usually perceived as the weaker one actively seeking out these arrangements and it’s a symptom of the way our society views sexuality, which must be fixed
pedophila is just as bad rape imo. 15 and 22 is a crazy gap. you’d think the mental disconnect due to the age barrier would be enough suspicion, but a lot of celebrities moral compasses are skewed.
idk if she was lying about her age so i can’t comment on that but like you said, it’s their responsibility to verify. especially when you’re someone of high profile their shouldn’t be any excuses for that s***