  • Jul 27, 2021
    1 reply

    This thread went off the rails lmao. Y'all need to chill. Almost there seemed like throwaways. He will get right back on track. Im a new fan btw and only really like his music post 2015

  • Jul 27, 2021

    These days I been exclusively bumping Lucki leaks\albums and Trilogy Weekend. It's great.

  • Jul 27, 2021
    2 replies

    This thread went off the rails lmao. Y'all need to chill. Almost there seemed like throwaways. He will get right back on track. Im a new fan btw and only really like his music post 2015

    as a newer fan, i’m interested to see where you rank the projects you’ve heard

  • Jul 27, 2021

    1. Days B4 II
    2. Better Days (unofficial but damn i wished he finished this)
    3. Watch My Bsck
    4. Free Wave 3
    5. Days B4 III
    the rest don't matter to me

  • Jul 27, 2021
    1 reply

    as a newer fan, i’m interested to see where you rank the projects you’ve heard

    I tried getting into son of sam. I feel like that's where he,transitioned into a completely different artist. Any projects you think I should check out tho. I really like this guy's music dawg.

  • Jul 27, 2021
    1 reply

    as a newer fan, i’m interested to see where you rank the projects you’ve heard

    I hear AT is heralded among fans or Body High and I just don't like those projects that much

  • Jul 27, 2021

    I hear AT is heralded among fans or Body High and I just don't like those projects that much

    yeah most newer fans love almost there, but i wouldn’t expect them to like body high, alt trap, x, or sos

    but based on your rankings i’d say try to get into the extra lucki 2 ep, freewave 2, and give x a shot. most older fans don’t like x but it’s one of my favs

    also you’ll find some gems in the lucki comp but i wouldn’t go through it all in one go. go through it slowly, find what u like and then just keep revisiting it to find more. you’ll notice it’s organized through eras so the shifts in his sound will be very apparent

  • Jul 27, 2021
    1 reply

    I tried getting into son of sam. I feel like that's where he,transitioned into a completely different artist. Any projects you think I should check out tho. I really like this guy's music dawg.

    also if you didn’t like son of sam at least revisit syrup talk. that one might click for you

  • Jul 27, 2021

    also if you didn’t like son of sam at least revisit syrup talk. that one might click for you

    Yeah i have the comp. It's super good. Thanks for the recs.

  • Jul 27, 2021
    2 replies

    Absolutely insane how much artists build up hype for a project and be releasing the most mid just to kill all the hype they built.

  • Jul 27, 2021
    1 reply
    Invader HIM

    Absolutely insane how much artists build up hype for a project and be releasing the most mid just to kill all the hype they built.

    Yeah it's a massive double edge sword, Lucki is big but it he still isn't a household name. If he can pull off another project like Freewave 3 or Watch My Back then he's good though.

  • Jul 27, 2021
    1 reply

    Yeah it's a massive double edge sword, Lucki is big but it he still isn't a household name. If he can pull off another project like Freewave 3 or Watch My Back then he's good though.

    I feel if he would’ve released the original FLM back in 2019/2020 he would be talked about way more but he just held onto his good s*** for way too long. Feel like he'll just have his dedicated fanbase and thats it.

  • Jul 27, 2021

    Whenever I see this thread title I think that we got a date for some reason

  • Jul 28, 2021
    1 reply
    Invader HIM

    I feel if he would’ve released the original FLM back in 2019/2020 he would be talked about way more but he just held onto his good s*** for way too long. Feel like he'll just have his dedicated fanbase and thats it.

    all the marcus basquiat tracks were too good to just gradually leak or be drip fed out

    they were the perfect example of that 'natural' flow i was getting at over some insane beats which suited him perfectly

  • Jul 28, 2021
    1 reply

    all the marcus basquiat tracks were too good to just gradually leak or be drip fed out

    they were the perfect example of that 'natural' flow i was getting at over some insane beats which suited him perfectly

    Truly. He really shat on him for no reason and killed one of his staple producers.

  • Jul 28, 2021
    1 reply

    Am I the only one who loves almost there

    It literally is top 2 Lucki projects for me maybe even top 1 lol.

  • Jul 28, 2021
    1 reply
    Invader HIM

    Truly. He really shat on him for no reason and killed one of his staple producers.

    What was the full story there? Was it just the tweets about his sound being too samey (pretty ironic lol)

  • Jul 28, 2021

    What was the full story there? Was it just the tweets about his sound being too samey (pretty ironic lol)

    Not too sure. All I know is that he said his beats sound the same and marcus ain’t like that.

  • Jul 28, 2021
    3 replies

    He hasnt drop a bad tape since 2016 bruh

    Freewave 3 od boring

  • Bushmanate

    Freewave 3 od boring


  • Jul 28, 2021
    1 reply

    Freewave 3 od boring

    His best project

  • Jul 28, 2021
    1 reply
    Invader HIM

    Absolutely insane how much artists build up hype for a project and be releasing the most mid just to kill all the hype they built.

    Robb banks career in a nutshell

  • Jul 28, 2021
    1 reply

    Robb banks career in a nutshell

    This to the highest degree. One of my favorite artists ever but this nigga pump fakes way too much.

  • Jul 28, 2021
    Invader HIM

    This to the highest degree. One of my favorite artists ever but this nigga pump fakes way too much.

    Bro been talking about falconia for like 5 years just to drop a bunch of bullshit leading up to it so much wasted potential

  • Jul 28, 2021
    3 replies

    His best project

    Watch My Back is his best project lol
