Fat nigga finally woke up
good morning Lucki
Tape in August hopefully
i’m pouring his lean down a toilet if he don’t drop by then.
i’m pouring his lean down a toilet if he don’t drop by then.
lowkey runied my summer i was supposed to be lit on new lucki man what the hell
nigga got me bumping a clone pls drop tune
damb i kinda like it but this feels like sin
nigga got me bumping a clone pls drop tune
delete this
damb i kinda like it but this feels like sin
gave it a second listen and it doesn’t even sound all that fr, this drought getting to me
gave it a second listen and it doesn’t even sound all that fr, this drought getting to me
the first 20 secs had me fooled i don’t fault you
bro I promise you a Lucki Chopped & Screwed Comp needs to happen. I have a FW3 one but im talking his other stuff, loosies leaks... his music fits perfect slowed
bro I promise you a Lucki Chopped & Screwed Comp needs to happen. I have a FW3 one but im talking his other stuff, loosies leaks... his music fits perfect slowed
this one is my fav though
this one is my fav though
ended up downloading a bunch of my faves from youtube/soundcloud and making my own lil comp. slowed lucki is a crazy experience
sorry for reddit link
8th anniversary of Alternative Trap today
bro really did that at 16 it’s still crazy witness