Mark my words y’all, this album Finna go crazy. Planning on getting buzzed tomorrow night, boy this s*** finna sound heavenly
My boy is BACK
A lil risky to go up against French but I respect the competitive spirit
A lil risky to go up against French but I respect the competitive spirit
it will flop but I’m sure his pocket of 46 fans will think it’s be best thing since sliced bread
A lil risky to go up against French but I respect the competitive spirit
two muslim brothers finna bless the streets (with the premission of Allah ofc)
Yeah but can he struggle single over house beats
honestly would've been kinda nice if it didnt have the dubstep parts
honestly would've been kinda nice if it didnt have the dubstep parts
Excuse me? That's future acid bounce. Poser
do people think they're being funny cracking jokes about how nobody listens to Lupe's music in a thread dedicated for his fans to be excited or?