The user @M2 has been one of the most annoying trolls on ktt2 since the site started. At first nobody knew who the hell this was, but it became more and more clear over time that it was a troll from the past site.
BRAVE said that "m2" stood for "markeur 2", Markeur is a supposed girl user from ktt1 that used to post in the fashion sxn years ago. So for the longest time we thought that this little white girl was trolling us, but in fact in MY opinion and from what I've learned is that this isn't the same person, but someone PRETENDING to be her.
Last Tuesday a user named @applejuice claimed that "M2 is a white Russian man" and that we've been being trolled for the longest time and that it's actually a user named (@Sas this may not be the same person actually as the one who was on ktt1 with the name) but that this user "Sas" a.k.a Sasarrus actually has been PRETENDING to be markeur.
( - user claims that this guy is a Russian man in his 20's-30's even (which to be honest I can't confirm since I wasn't able to find anything besides old posts talking about the exposal) which are here:
So basically M2 is the user named 'Sas' aka 'Sasarrus' who got exposed years ago on ktt1 for catfishing, apparently was popular in the pop thread / made music and was exposed for taking audio clips of a different girl? From what the posts say.
Even found YouTube videos of this user too:
Apparently @M2 pretended to be this girl from this youtube video:
Also: found another video
The Verdict: I have no idea what to make of this to be honest, but all I know is that @M2 is PROBABLY the user Sas basically pretending to be @markeur (who might have sold the account to him/her years ago). The reason I say that is that on ktt1 the user markeur has VERY similar threads and posts to @M2 in recent years.
Edit: more proof sas was a Russian catfish
and yeah yeah yeah I knw I'm a loser for digging up all this s*** guys and m2 lives rent free in my head. i dont care because it is now time to block, ignore, and log out
op investing blood, sweat and tears into this
Chief Keef, DAVIDP, this is Chi, right? Right?
op investing blood, sweat and tears into this
Wasn't hard at all to find this stuff big guy
You realize you can do a google search “ blah blah blah” and it all shows up right
You realize you can do a google search “ blah blah blah” and it all shows up right
op is the feds
Bro I literally typed "term" on Google. It's easy asf to find stuff