"Dont make me move to la ill find her" is way creepier
Also who tf brought this topic to the discussion
a bit
we definitely gotta discuss the fact this man is most likely a PREDATOR and a groomer
if you ever known anyone like him irl too it’ll be hardly surprising
Must’ve been a slow news day to randomly dig this up
"Dig this up" he said this publicly it wasn't like its from a private conversation or anything. So you cool with what he said or nah because it isn't clear from your post the
smiley is usually if you find something funny
“Robert Plant, who is one of the greatest lead singers ever, dated a girl who was 14,” Machine Gun Kelly continued. “Axl Rose pictured below was one of the biggest badasses ever, dated a girl who was 16 and wrote a song on his first album about the girl that was 16.”
AYO what could ever make you think that was appropriate to say during that conversation
we definitely gotta discuss the fact this man is most likely a PREDATOR and a groomer
if you ever known anyone like him irl too it’ll be hardly surprising
No bro its ok because he said that in 2010. "iT wAs a DiFfeReNt TiMe"
we definitely gotta discuss the fact this man is most likely a PREDATOR and a groomer
if you ever known anyone like him irl too it’ll be hardly surprising
Hailie wasnt legal neither
"Dig this up" he said this publicly it wasn't like its from a private conversation or anything. So you cool with what he said or nah because it isn't clear from your post the
smiley is usually if you find something funny
I ain’t but this was said quite some time ago, hell I remember someone even made a thread about it on ktt already. I guess now big publications decided to pick up on it
Get these pedos out the music industry, bro.
It’s getting sad how many of these situations are popping up now thanks to social media.
we definitely gotta discuss the fact this man is most likely a PREDATOR and a groomer
if you ever known anyone like him irl too it’ll be hardly surprising
Makes it more surprising that hes marrying a woman 4 years his senior