if a white man likes stick figure women there’s a good chance he likes teenagers too
Reading this I had an immediate flashback to this scenario at 5:20
These tweets mention 13 and 14 year olds. Idk why youre lying saying he was talking about sixteen year olds
1. Blahblahem... guy is sus
How many times is this going to happen before celebrities start wiping their old tweets
It literally takes like 10 minutes lmao
The 16 and up posts are fine
But yeah those 13 year old posts are f***ing creepy
You can’t defend that, and any logical person back then or today would know that isn’t okay
Idc if the tweets were from 08, pedo s*** like this need to be exposed. And I’m sure the people coming at him never made sick “jokes” like the ones in op. Nothing is worse than talking about kids in that manner. Nothing.
ok so what do you want him to do? what is the point of this. what do you want to happen out of this. we all stop listening to MGK and cancel him out of the culture bc of these tweets?
if a white man likes stick figure women there’s a good chance he likes teenagers too
If this is real, she lied about her age and used a fake ID.
The bodyguard further explains how the parents complained and how the whole crew told him to stop seeing that girl but he didn't listen....
ok so what do you want him to do? what is the point of this. what do you want to happen out of this. we all stop listening to MGK and cancel him out of the culture bc of these tweets?
Take accountability for his actions. Defending him talking about 8th graders doesn’t make you look cool brah.
people really spend 5+ years defending pedophiles on KTT only to eventually end up exposed as one and then banned
im sure some have been doing that for the whole decade
people really spend 5+ years defending pedophiles on KTT only to eventually end up exposed as one and then banned
im sure some have been doing that for the whole decade
You just know at this point who’s going to be in these threads defending them too it’s a personality trait for some of these guys
I can't imagine caping for pedophilic tweets regardless of how old they are
Y'all are some sad individuals
The bodyguard further explains how the parents complained and how the whole crew told him to stop seeing that girl but he didn't listen....
The bodyguard that got fired and had beef with Em though.
Eminem tried to tell y'all but y'all were busy being edgy with "rAp DeViL wAs beTtEr"
ok so what do you want him to do? what is the point of this. what do you want to happen out of this. we all stop listening to MGK and cancel him out of the culture bc of these tweets?
yea. there's nothing wrong with cancelling a celebrity for 10 year old tweets about pedophilia
Reading this I had an immediate flashback to this scenario at 5:20
!https://youtu.be/7NpxZhBK0o4What the f*** is this show
The bodyguard that got fired and had beef with Em though.
The article I linked states that as well read before replying constantly changing the goalpost...
Defending allegations of a grown man willingly sleeping with a 15 year old vs defending creepy tweets about minors being hot
You don't have to pick, both scenarios trash as hell.