  • Apr 1
    1 reply

    "He was in the Amazon with my mom when she was researching spiders right before she died" = "I can't talk about that it's personal, anyway how's your s***life?"

    That lines not even in the movie smh

  • Antidote

  • Apr 1

    That lines not even in the movie smh

    Makes its use in the trailer all the more baffling lmao, did they think the line was badass when creating the trailer then cut it later on? Did they create the line specifically for the trailer using the movies writing team for full accuracy? I have so many questions!

    It's not even In the movie but it's the movies legacy

  • Apr 3
    1 reply

    Lmaoooo they wanted to try

    Would it have even helped? No

  • mjpplus

    Lmaoooo they wanted to try

    Would it have even helped? No

    Imagine we lived in the timeline where Tom Holland was in every SonyVerse movie

  • ·
    1 reply

    For those who are curious