I still have my Mafia poster from the pc game box. i love that game more than most things in my life
can't believe they're actually doing this. never got to play the first one but mafia 2 is top 5 game oat for me. screenshots look stunning! wish they were putting mafia 2 on switch though, it could definitely handle it
Mafia 2 remaster dropping NEXT WEEK
Mafia 2 remaster dropping NEXT WEEK
do i have to play mafia 1 before 2 to get the story ??
both use the same engine as mafia 3 hope they fixed all the trillions of bugs
Does look great tho
do i have to play mafia 1 before 2 to get the story ??
there's one tie in to the first game but aside from that it's completely standalone
I haven't played 1 at all either
both use the same engine as mafia 3 hope they fixed all the trillions of bugs
Does look great tho
This is 2K games. Of course the bugs won’t be fixed.
I finally get to play Mafia 1
1st game looked like legos.
Also in for Mafia 3’s story again, gameplay not so much
I finally get to play Mafia 1
1st game looked like legos.
Also in for Mafia 3’s story again, gameplay not so much
I really wanted to like mafia 3 but the missions are so awful and repeative couldn't force myself to finish it
Wouldn’t it have made more sense to remake the 1st and 2nd from the ground up and release it in late August or whenever it was ready?
Don’t see the point of releasing Mafia 2 polished up first, then waiting for mafia 1 to look better bc they went ahead and remade the whole thing
Only way they gon make me play 3 tho
Mafia 2 remaster dropping NEXT WEEK
Holy F***
do i have to play mafia 1 before 2 to get the story ??
not really, but there are some elements of the story that will excite you more because of it.
How much we thinking mafia 2 gonna cost ?
maybe/should be $40 since its just a remaster, but its 2K so they might sell it for $60 tbh knowing them
mafia 1 will def be full price $60 tho since its a remake
mafia 2 one of the greatest games oat
I'm so hyped to play Mafia 2 again fam you have no idea
one of the greatest stories ever told in gaming, love the characters and entire atmosphere of the game
A lot of content was cut from Mafia 2 in favour of the linear storyline such as melee attacks, weapons, barber shops, transportation choices and more but it seems like in the leaked trailer, users have noticed Joe with a different cut so it's possible that we're getting an enhanced graphical update, all DLC and the cut content