  • Sep 28, 2020
    1 reply

    But isn't that historicaly accurate though? There's always some racist s*** going on in Italian mob films too

    kinda real tho

    funny how its a black man who saves him in mafia 3 and makes him relevant again

  • Sep 28, 2020
    1 reply
    Majin balotelli

    kinda real tho

    funny how its a black man who saves him in mafia 3 and makes him relevant again

    Gave most of the districts to my guy Vito

    Mafia 3 was such a s*** game idek how i played it all the way through

    I only did it for the story tbh

  • Sep 28, 2020
    1 reply

    Gave most of the districts to my guy Vito

    Mafia 3 was such a s*** game idek how i played it all the way through

    I only did it for the story tbh

    the story, characters and the music were amazing.

    the vito ending (best and realistic ending) kinda broke my heart because lincoln ended sad and alienated

  • if you think about it, all mafia games ended sad

  • Sep 28, 2020
    1 reply

    The board at the airport has destinations of empire bay and new bordeaux

  • Sep 28, 2020
    1 reply

    The board at the airport has destinations of empire bay and new bordeaux

    did you see bourbon city, maybe the LA/las vegas setting for mafia 4

  • Sep 28, 2020
    Majin balotelli

    did you see bourbon city, maybe the LA/las vegas setting for mafia 4

    I’d love that need the suits the robert de niro wore in casino as wearable outfits

  • Sep 28, 2020
    2 replies

    cant get the ending out of my head, they made tommy such a good character. and the last scene was soo good

    my top 5 of this gen: (cyberpunk gonna intervene like the nato in kosovo )

    1. rdr 2
    2. witcher 3
    3. god of war
    4. mafia remake
    5. horizon

  • Sep 28, 2020
    Majin balotelli

    the story, characters and the music were amazing.

    the vito ending (best and realistic ending) kinda broke my heart because lincoln ended sad and alienated

    i had the good ending

    in the good ending Licoln was able to leave the life behind, while Vito was looking out over the city being the top man he always dreamt of being

    for me it couldn't have been more perfect

  • Sep 28, 2020
    1 reply

    nope, its the first the time now

  • Sep 28, 2020
    1 reply

    How does it compare? Did they butcher the story at all?

    I played mafia 1 as a kid and basically just did the missions and didn’t follow the story

    But I’ve always heard it has a great story, this remake has a great story too but I’m curious if it’s great in the same way and for the same reasons

  • Sep 28, 2020
    1 reply

    So is there any difference between mafia:definitive edition and Mafia: Trilogy?

  • hopefully 2k wont axe the series, bioshock and mafia are too underrated

    my bet:

    2022 bioshock 4 (in space)
    2024 mafia 4 (las vegas as jewish/italien gangster)
    and in 2023 gta 6 in Miami in the 80s
    next gen gonna be

  • Sep 28, 2020
    1 reply

    So is there any difference between mafia:definitive edition and Mafia: Trilogy?

    Mafia Definitive edition is only part 1 remade. The trilogy has all 3 games but i believe part 2 and 3 only have enhancements and not full remake like 1.

  • Sep 28, 2020
    1 reply

    Mafia Definitive edition is only part 1 remade. The trilogy has all 3 games but i believe part 2 and 3 only have enhancements and not full remake like 1.

    never played the games, I saw a gameplay of the Mafia: Definitive edition and it looks great.

    All the games have the same quality in graphics/gameplay in the Mafia: Trilogy?

  • Sep 28, 2020

    gonna wait for the xbox series x then i’ll cop this

  • Majin balotelli

    cant get the ending out of my head, they made tommy such a good character. and the last scene was soo good

    my top 5 of this gen: (cyberpunk gonna intervene like the nato in kosovo )

    1. rdr 2
    2. witcher 3
    3. god of war
    4. mafia remake
    5. horizon

    3 of ur top 5 are also in my top 5 now im excited as fuc

  • Sep 28, 2020

    trilogy lists all 3 as definitive edition. so if mafia 2 and 3 are a different or lesser remaster, still no biggie imo.

    mafia 1 looks awesome. im on like chapter 14 now.

  • support the devs so we can get part four and smash marilyn monroe in the 60s hollywood

  • Sep 29, 2020
    Majin balotelli

    The ending in the remake is so much better and more emotional than the og version

    This is legit like red dead1 und 2

    Legit man! Idk if it’s bc I was so into in tommy paulie and sams friendship but I feel like the story and cutscenes and script and the themes, and voice actors and ALL of it was like only a FEW notches below like a red dead 1/2 storyline.

    Definitely up there in terms of these kinda AAA open world crime games
