would yall let billie eilish call u nigga during s***tho?
i dont care if it was yesjulz, no white woman is ever calling me a nigga.
Every time I see an ad for that place in NY called “RACE. PLAY. MORE”
I always think it’s promoting raceplay kinks like mainos like “RACEPLAY MORE!”
Okay that’s a pretty random connection to make but I do be seeing these ads everywhere lmao
would yall let billie eilish call u nigga during s***tho?
bruh Billie nowhere near bad enough
& that’s a no for anybody
@youngtubesteak2 is there something u wanna tell us?
The thing with kinks its a slippery slope
You eventually get to a point where you into some f'dup stuff
On this too, there was these white girls on No Jumper pod that said almost every black guy they've been with likes being called the N word during sx
I’m over here defending NYC relentlessly in this random as forum and these niggas out here pulling this f***ery.
would yall let billie eilish call u nigga during s***tho?
no though
Can any kink really be proven as natural tho? It's a disprovable, nature vs nurture argument and we know sociology mingles with every aspect of our very being!
Nothing about this is natural bc the entire construct of slavery isn't natural
'play with my gooch' is an insane line
This man lives near me somewhere
Next time I see him pull up to a 7/11, imma yell
I might get shot
@youngtubesteak2 is there something u wanna tell us?
I’m just getting these jokes off. 🙄