idk the canadian in me wants to say they're talking about the town lmao
but seriously the town could be a metaphor for a girl and for their hometown (idk if they're from there or not, could be talking about toronto) but it's almost as if the song is an ode to leaving that place/person behind to experience bigger and greater things; although they're happy to be moving on, at the same time they're nostalgic for that time spent that may be no longer really experience
but maybe I'm projecting lmao
Did they delete their individual instagrams?
I wonder the same thing. Their individual accounts aren't showing up anymore.
Listening thru self titled for the millionth time drunk asl over here this really a 10/10 album man
Listening thru self titled for the millionth time drunk asl over here this really a 10/10 album man
Facts, classic 😩
The boys really hit their stride with this one it’s just amazing from front to back with multiple vibes that fit together perfectly
I don't understand the way these guys roll.
Released 2 great singles. Nothing.
Release 2 average songs. Nothing.
My Imagination still beautiful, along with the rest of TSB
The Space Between is definitely their best overall album imo. It's so damn smooth.
The EP is still absolute fire though