Ooh, these are two films I haven’t seen! Based on the YT snippets, I think so.
Yeah they aren’t the typical “the life of...” biopic more so showcasing a pivotal moment in their life. “A day in the life of....” more so
So you’re telling me there is actually mythos around Pokémon?
Lmao yes there is. Some of it is fascinating actually
Biopics shouldn’t have biopic vibes. Spike Lee, Denzel and crew did a phenomenal job of Malcolm X. It felt real but s*** felt massive. I think Black Panther is the closest thing I’ve felt to that type of movement.
Kanye biopic gonna be f***ing crazy especially with right director
Need Tarantino lowkey but I wanna also see a black person do it lol maybe Hype
What would you want the focus of it to be
If they could be done perfectly? Darth Revan/SWTOR or Yoda origin story
I think Mandalorian is eventually gonna cover Yoda in some capacity. So maybe that one wouldn't be as interesting
Kanye biopic gonna be f***ing crazy especially with right director
Need Tarantino lowkey but I wanna also see a black person do it lol maybe Hype
Spike Lee gotta do it. He is the closest thing to black tarantino.
Spike Lee gotta do it. He is the closest thing to black tarantino.
You right actually that needs to be done by Spike lol that already seems like a classic
40K - Genestealer cult warhammer40k.fandom.com/wiki/Genestealer_Cult
Inspired by Prometheus and Annihilation. I want it to be a psychotic experience that takes place in a cosmic horror filled setting. At times will dabble in topics like spirituality and seeking higher purpose. Protag will play the role of a viewers proxy as he witness events unveil but only do so much in bringing changes leading to an inevitable realization that'll surely connect with the classic 40k grimdark
Another one that revolves around we describe as the background character. I want to explore this pov and i believe we can bring out refreshing things through it. Like when the last time we got hyped for explosion in movies? I want to restore that excitement. Shifting perspectives, applying interesting cinematic techniques. This one can be fit into established lores rich ones i prefer cus i dont have any particular in mind. Pass me the canvas and tell us the theme like this an art class. Established is important as it brings out a sense of familiarity of the subject from viewers